Clutches by Kylesa Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Clutches” by Kylesa from the album No Ending / A 110° Heat Index - EP (2004)? More than 76 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Clutches”.

Clutches en Lyrics [Kylesa]
Clutches English Lyrics Album No Ending / A 110° Heat Index - EP

Quote from the song “Clutches” by Kylesa

I am the non-creator
For man has created his own lord
I am the anti-master
For this lord god rules with a blood stained sword
Their slavery is based on deception
Their chains are tightly bound
The holders of the keys
Shall lock us to the ground
The power for the people
Not for their promised land
The power for the people
Their utopia shall crumble into sand
The created god on which you rely
Shall rule you until you die
The "book" continues to hold them
But still never questioned why
Would you allow your life to be taken
By the clutches of just one hand?
Would you allow your life to be taken
By the clutches of just one man?
Would you ever understand what their lies are about?
Will you ever understand?!!!

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Clutches lyrics [Kylesa]

Kylesa: Clutches Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Clutches”

  • Produced: Mark Nikolich, Kylesa
  • Written: Nausea
  • Engineer: Kylesa
  • Mastered: John Golden
  • Guitar: Phillip Cope, Laura Pleasants
  • Drums: Christian Depken
  • Vocals: Phillip Cope, Laura Pleasants, Corey Barhorst
  • Bass: Corey Barhorst
  • Release Date: 2004

Clutches lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Clutches lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Clutches”:

  • Clutches Is A Cover Of: Clutches by Nausea

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Clutches” Released in 2004

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Clutches” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I am the non-creator
For man has created his own lord
I am the anti-master
For this lord god rules with a blood stained sword
Their slavery is based on deception
Their chains are tightly bound
The holders of the keys
Shall lock us to the ground
The power for the people
Not for their promised land
The power for the people
Their utopia shall crumble into sand
The created god on which you rely
Shall rule you until you die
The "book" continues to hold them
But still never questioned why
Would you allow your life to be taken
By the clutches of just one hand?
Would you allow your life to be taken
By the clutches of just one man?
Would you ever understand what their lies are about?
Will you ever understand?!!!