RFS by Moro Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “RFS” by Moro from the album KALIMORO (2016)? More than 182 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “RFS”.

RFS en Lyrics [Moro]
RFS English Lyrics Album KALIMORO

Quote from the song “RFS” by Moro

Kheyyo kan3amar f rass, sel3a Moro l mot d passe
3andi mochkil m3a rassi mab9itch baghi ga3 nchouf rouhi f la glace
Moro ghankhalli la trace, f Casablanca alcatras
F 04 ghatl9ani mc la 3andek chi mochkil bali ji face
Haters kyhadro kho f dahri hada ki3ni belli moro efficace
Nsiti ki kanti ya zamel wa9ila nsiti jamais l passé s efface
Dima absent men la classe, dima 7ader sa3t lkhlass
3refna kayna gha mout we7da kho dak chi 3lach l3abna 7yatna pile o face
A.C.A.B kheyyo la devise, fuck you hnaya dayra biz
Mc makrahch i3ti karro bach idiro lih blassa f show biz
Kheyyo kan3oumo f l vice, Moro chrwita w dix
Zen9a kho b7al chi 9a7ba li dima ki7wiha fina howa l3riss
04 kho jibo l armé hnaya Calabos kheyyo 9ahro l bouliss
Casa ghaba beton armé 3ref belli l boss kaygeré men les coulisse
Salina kheyyo fuck rap, MC 7naya machi s7ab
Ch7al men sata tal3at kayna bou9alwa kheyyo bzaf li tal3o 97ab


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RFS lyrics [Moro]

Moro: RFS Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “RFS”

Moro - “RFS” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Moro will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples RFS?
  • Where is RFS music video clip?
  • Who was in the RFS official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song RFS?
  • What is the meaning of the song RFS?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “RFS”

  • Produced: Adam Skizo
  • Written: Moro
  • Release Date: May 9, 2016

RFS lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: RFS lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “RFS” Released in 2016

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “RFS” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Paroles de Maleek Morovic "RFS (Rassi F'S7aba)"]

[Couplet 1]

Kheyyo kan3amar f rass, sel3a Moro l mot d passe
3andi mochkil m3a rassi mab9itch baghi ga3 nchouf rouhi f la glace
Moro ghankhalli la trace, f Casablanca alcatras
F 04 ghatl9ani mc la 3andek chi mochkil bali ji face
Haters kyhadro kho f dahri hada ki3ni belli moro efficace
Nsiti ki kanti ya zamel wa9ila nsiti jamais l passé s efface
Dima absent men la classe, dima 7ader sa3t lkhlass
3refna kayna gha mout we7da kho dak chi 3lach l3abna 7yatna pile o face
A.C.A.B kheyyo la devise, fuck you hnaya dayra biz
Mc makrahch i3ti karro bach idiro lih blassa f show biz
Kheyyo kan3oumo f l vice, Moro chrwita w dix
Zen9a kho b7al chi 9a7ba li dima ki7wiha fina howa l3riss
04 kho jibo l armé hnaya Calabos kheyyo 9ahro l bouliss
Casa ghaba beton armé 3ref belli l boss kaygeré men les coulisse
Salina kheyyo fuck rap, MC 7naya machi s7ab
Ch7al men sata tal3at kayna bou9alwa kheyyo bzaf li tal3o 97ab


Khouya ach bghito 3andi, Moro ach bghito 3andi
Khouya ach bghito 3andi, ah ach bghito 3andi


Rassi f s7aba w ktama kho f taba kansawer f zen9a w l ghetto b les mots
Wesh a le3aba li 7akmine lghaba ra systeme ra 9a7ba kaniquer f mo
Kan3oumo f l fondo kat3oumo f daya ra li weld l9a7ba kaymout b semmo
Khalli l3ettaya kho khalli l7eddaya ra ch7al men da7ya kho sbabo fommo

[Couplet 2]

Kheyyo kan3amer f l4...Moro kan représenter CB4
7naya dima sel3a moro kilimini gramme bayda bicarbonate
Tjam3o kho gha le3aba khitafi o nessaba o lba9i volat
Kayn li jabha f l7abs ola f bateau o lba9i kho sa3to sounat
Weld l4 soldat bla para w hnaya l3a9liya kolchi holygane
Mc ntaya fik l fara sewlo Casablanca kheyyo chkoun li kan
Seddo 3lina kho l bibane, bghawna kho nmouto b char
Wellina kho b7al Talibane, ghanaklo m3akom tal7jar
Kheyyo fuck la démocratie bnadem kitsanat lik ila kan sla7
Haz l3amala foug rassi men l passé MC ntaya jdid safi tla7
Li rkhiss kho jamais kiswa, wakha yelbes l keswa
Sir tsawar 3la s7abek 7na ghatsawar 3lina ghat7wa
Boujadi kheyyo tawa dwa, 7ol wednik ghadi katrwa
Aji 3adna f l caroi ghatl9a adraf wa7ed kifarga3 f dwa
B7alek tana baghi n sauver, b7alek tabe3 gha les lové
Safi kheyyo 9ta3t chrab melli 3reft belli wella 3andi l alcool mauvais


Khouya ach bghito 3andi, Moro ach bghito 3andi
Khouya ach bghito 3andi, ah ach bghito 3andi


Rassi f s7aba w ktama kho f taba kansawer f zen9a w l ghetto b les mots
Wesh a le3aba li 7akmine lghaba ra systeme ra 9a7ba kaniquer f mo
Kan3oumo f l fondo kat3oumo f daya ra li weld l9a7ba kaymout b semmo
Khalli l3ettaya kho khalli l7eddaya ra ch7al men da7ya kho sbabo fommo