To Pierce the Heart of Lions by Thronum Vrondor Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “To Pierce the Heart of Lions” by Thronum Vrondor from the album Dies Tenebrosa Sicut Nox (2021)? More than 202 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “To Pierce the Heart of Lions”.
Quote from the song “To Pierce the Heart of Lions” by Thronum Vrondor
In the shadows it lurks
In darkness hidden
Astray from the light
Whatever comes out of the night
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “To Pierce the Heart of Lions” Released in 2021
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “To Pierce the Heart of Lions” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
In the shadows it lurks
In darkness hidden
Astray from the light
Whatever comes out of the night
It bears no shadow nor image
By fog encircled
Bathing in black
Death in its wake
Striking fear and chaos
In the hearts of lesser men
In torment reign supreme
By madness driven
Death comes ripping
Bowles discharged
Eyes turning mad
Pale silent screams
Surrounded by smoke I come
Out of the endless void
Through fire and sulphur
To pierce the hears of lions