Death Room by Gazpacho Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Death Room” by Gazpacho from the album Demon (2014)? More than 193 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Death Room”.

Death Room en Lyrics [Gazpacho]
Death Room English Lyrics Album Demon

Quote from the song “Death Room” by Gazpacho

There's a sadness in the stars
Whose fires silver line the night
The madness of never having fully lived
All I have is here

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Death Room lyrics [Gazpacho]

Gazpacho: Death Room Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Death Room”

  • Produced: Gazpacho
  • Release Date: March 17, 2014

Death Room lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Death Room lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Death Room” Released in 2014

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Death Room” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

There's a sadness in the stars
Whose fires silver line the night
The madness of never having fully lived
All I have is here

My reward
Follow me
Leave it all

He ran to hide
Kept a log
About his fear
A small relief

He wants to sink and sleep with them
They're in his dreams, he hears them
Whisper of this nothing
As every night gets darker
City lights in the Norden's
Tachometric telescope and
They are not real
A thousand lives slow below him
Perfect paranoia is a perfect defense
Against them all
But you destroy what you're defending

The knife can turn
Upon the hand
You'll be your lover
Together in the end

Leave a vacuum
Pay until it hurts
No one sees me
My body is dirt
No one noticed the word
Of warning
But it's hard to see
The past does not rest easy

Unlimited - She's leaving
Illuminate - To be free
The universe - Be free
Reflects the hate - Spent life
Of our dirty minds - On edges
On reptile wings - She lost
The hardest times - Her daughter
Of worldly lives
From dust to dust - Cold touch
Long for rain - On a rainy day
Derived from made-up truth
You put up a play
And no one knows it's you
To elude the hate
Disguised and counterfeit
See the blue beyond the sky
Through the beam within
In your eye
It shatters

Derived from made-up truth
You put up a play
And no one knows it's you
To elude the hate
Disguised and counterfeit
You illuminate the sky
Through the beam within
In your eye
As if it matters

Broken rose
Knowing how the story goes
Praying for a miracle
Deserve it, too