April Moon by Bobby Caldwell Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “April Moon” by Bobby Caldwell from the album Come Rain or Come Shine (1999)? More than 35 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “April Moon”.
Quote from the song “April Moon” by Bobby Caldwell
This is a story I've wanted to tell
I was left for a handsomer guy
All I could do was wish them both well
And gaze at my friend in the sky
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “April Moon”
- Produced: Bobby Caldwell
- Written: Bobby Caldwell
- Release Date: 1999
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “April Moon” Released in 1999
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “April Moon” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
This is a story I've wanted to tell
I was left for a handsomer guy
All I could do was wish them both well
And gaze at my friend in the sky
April Moon
You know me
I have wept here before
Can you believe I went back to her for more
I just hate that side of me
April Moon
My baby left me with nothing
You know the ropes
Can't you do something
To restore my sanity
I remember the good times
Love was strong so I thought
Do the stars cheat on you
Like she did me
I think not
I think not
April Moon
So full, so bright
Maybe one day
She'll be in my arms again
But not tonight, not tonight
April Moon