He Never Said by Martyn Joseph Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “He Never Said” by Martyn Joseph from the album Full Colour Black and White (2015)? More than 41 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “He Never Said”.

He Never Said en Lyrics [Martyn Joseph]
He Never Said English Lyrics Album Full Colour Black and White

Quote from the song “He Never Said” by Martyn Joseph

He never said God helps those who help themselves


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He Never Said lyrics [Martyn Joseph]

Martyn Joseph: He Never Said Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “He Never Said” Released in 2015

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “He Never Said” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

He never said God helps those who help themselves

He never said Blessed are the rich

He never said Do unto others before they do it unto you

He never said Its too bad buddy the winner has to take it all

He never said success is the key

You gotta be cruel to be kind

And he never said it's a jungle out there

Where the weak must get left behind

He Said..

Answer a strangers cry for help

Love your brother as you loved yourself

You only have to seek and you will find

Forgive your enemies drop that grudge
Don't judge others and you won't be judged

Only knock and the door will open wide, open wide

He never said Archbishops should stick to theology

He never said put your faith in the lottery

He never said by any means necessary

He never said my country right or wrong

He never said send your money to me

Touch the screen and your gonna be healed

He never said every man's got a price

Do you want to make a deal?

Answer a strangers cry for help

Love your brother as you loved yourself

You only have to seek and you will find
Forgive your enemies drop that grudge

Don't judge others and you won't be judged

Only knock and the door will open wide, open wide

And on that day a day that's coming

Who's gonna be walking who's gonna be running

The first will be the last and the last will come first

If the meek inherit the earth

Answer a strangers cry for help

Love your brother as you loved yourself…etc