Postcards by Drapht Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Postcards” by Drapht from the album Shadows and Shinings (2021)? More than 71 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Postcards”.

Postcards en Lyrics [Drapht]
Postcards English Lyrics Album Shadows and Shinings

Quote from the song “Postcards” by Drapht

*Baby crying, then laughing*

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Postcards lyrics [Drapht]

Drapht: Postcards Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Postcards”

  • Produced: Drapht
  • Written: Rachel Claudio, Drapht, Mark McEwen
  • Distributor: Warner Music Group
  • Copyright ©: The Ayems (Label)
  • Phonographic Copyright ℗: The Ayems (Label)
  • Release Date: September 10, 2021

Postcards lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Postcards lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Postcards” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Postcards” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


*Baby crying, then laughing*

[Verse 1]

The first day I got see that face
Up in the hospital, uncontrollable
Avalanche of tears rolling out my eyes, inconsolably
Happy, telling your mum I’m fine (I’m fine)
Just another summer night for most, December 4
Best day of my life and I slept on a concrete floor
Oh, how I adore you, my little blue eyes, before you, my blue eyes
Thought it was more important always soaring to new heights
Like Dubai skyscrapers, you arrive and I stopped
Now Lego is the only building blocks when hanging out with you, gorgеous
No more flipping coins and wishing into a fountain
It’s real love, listеning to "Dance Monkey" thousands
Of times up on repeat
Anything to see your smile, my love
It’s your mouth open when you’re sleeping, energy when you greet me
Another day hoping that the wheels up on the bus might fall off
But if you want me to sing it, I’ll sing it
‘Cause the world was made better when the stork brought you
My love


You arrived like a postcard
Surprised when you showed up
And when you did, it was all love
And you were never scared to show them
I truly feel home when
I’m either by myself
Or with you

[Verse 2]

My love, always the first to ever hear the birds sing
With love, I guess I never felt deserving
It ain’t the first or the last thing I will learn from you
Just to show you I am worthy, I’m determined to
And I can show you how to navigate this world of yours
And if you fall, help you back up on the rocking horse
And there’s gonna be times that are tough
But they're teaching you to listen with your heart, my love


You arrived like a postcard
Surprised when you showed up
But when you did it was all love
And you were never scared to show them
I truly feel home when
I’m either by myself or with you

[Verse 3]

And I like space
Alone is great, but I’m better with you
Feel displaced
Wanna run away, but I’m better with you
Still feel pain
Self-medicate, but I’m better with you
(Better, better, better) Yeah, I’m better with you