Wst of time by 5laughter Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Wst of time” by 5laughter (2021)? More than 197 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Wst of time”.

Wst of time en Lyrics [5laughter]
Wst of time English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Wst of time” by 5laughter

I can see it in your face
That you love me
How do I feel so lonely
Just a waste of your time
I'm so sorry
Tenho tanto frio
Can't feel my body

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Wst of time lyrics [5laughter]

5laughter: Wst of time Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Wst of time”

  • Featuring: ​​​floraa
  • Produced: Phantasie
  • Written: ​​​floraa, 5laughter
  • Release Date: December 30, 2021

Wst of time lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Wst of time lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Wst of time” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Wst of time” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Refrão: 5laughter]

I can see it in your face
That you love me
How do I feel so lonely
Just a waste of your time
I'm so sorry
Tenho tanto frio
Can't feel my body

One step further
Maybe I have issues
If you leave now
I promisse I will leave too
Tu não sabes nem metade
What I went through
I just wanna be happy :c

[Verso: floraa]

3 da manhã
Eu ando pela rua
Não tenho medo do escuro
Eu brilho em alta costura
Posso ficar aqui
Não interessa o que sinto
Eu sei que fiz de tudo
Para continuar contigo
Mais uma noite a fumar
À varanda
A mágoa é grande
E assim não adianta
Tudo passa
Todos mudam
Só eu é que fico aqui
Aqui... Sozinho a pensar em ti
Aqui... Sozinho a pensar еm ti..

[Refrão: 5laughter]

I can see it in your face
That you love me
How do I feel so lonеly
Just a waste of your time
I'm so sorry
Tenho tanto frio
Can't feel my body
I can see it in your face
That you love me
How do I feel so lonely
Just a waste of your time
I'm so sorry
Tenho tanto frio
Can't feel my body