Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions] by Peter Hammill Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions]” by Peter Hammill from the album The Peel Sessions (1995)? More than 188 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions]”.

Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions] en Lyrics [Peter Hammill]
Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions] English Lyrics Album The Peel Sessions

Quote from the song “Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions]” by Peter Hammill

With my face drained of colour
And my brain of blood
Like Billy Budd
I'm lashed to the grating
With senses growing duller
And with quaking heart
I make a start
At temperature equating
And my lungs suck useless air


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Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions] lyrics [Peter Hammill]

Peter Hammill: Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions] Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions]”

Peter Hammill - “Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions]” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Peter Hammill will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions]?
  • Where is Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions] music video clip?
  • Who was in the Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions] official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions]?
  • What is the meaning of the song Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions]?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions]”

  • Produced: Tony Wilson (Producer)
  • Written: Peter Hammill
  • Recorded At: BBC Radio 1
  • Release Date: November 20, 1995

Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions] lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions] lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions]”:

  • Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions] Is A Live Version Of: Faint-Heart and the Sermon by Peter Hammill

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions]” Released in 1995

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Faint-Heart and the Sermon [The Peel Sessions]” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

With my face drained of colour
And my brain of blood
Like Billy Budd
I'm lashed to the grating
With senses growing duller
And with quaking heart
I make a start
At temperature equating
And my lungs suck useless air

[Verse 2]

Like paraplegic dancers
In formation team
My understanding seems
Hidebound in its movements
Contemplating answers
That could break my bonds -
To be half wrong
Would be, in me, improvement...
But my comprehensive faculties are impaired


And it seems absurd, but now all I've heard
Fades in empty words and is worthlеss
As the Human Laugh rocks the cenotaph
But thе joke is half-true, and mirthless

[Verse 3]

Trying to trace a reason
From the spinning words
But all I've heard
Seem at odds with their meanings
Phonetically pleasing
But delivered with such haste
That in their place
My mind commences screaming


On the verge of belief I crash onto the reef
And a cynical thief steals my senses
So I cling to the pew with dimensions askew
And recognition refuses present tenses
All the lives of the saints demonstrate that my faint
Is a minor complaint, but the end is
Nowhere in sight
Why can't I find me a way to go?

[Verse 4]

I don't want to die in the nave
But I know it may be with me some day
So I've got to find a way I can save up
My energies, and find a cause to pray
To something for something
To which I can give my creed

[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 5]

I'd gladly succumb to the wave
If I thought the water taught a way to light;
I'd gladly succumb - I'm not brave
And it's easy to believe what the preacher says
Except for the conflict raging between my head and my brain
I don't want to die, but just the same
Some day....

[Verse 6]

Waiting for a moment
That I know will come
When I'll have to run
And find another sermon
Everyman and Norman
And the talking priest--
Still I am at least holding all the doors open


As the cracked bells peal it all seems unreal
But the seventh seal stays unbroken
And the Offertory plate tenders no escape -
Still I refuse to scrape up a token
Of esteem for these false
Alleyways of the course;
I must try to divorce sense from sensing
Tell me again
Tell me the way to go