Ravenous Minds by Brainstorm Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Ravenous Minds” by Brainstorm from the album Midnight Ghost (2018)? More than 110 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Ravenous Minds”.
Quote from the song “Ravenous Minds” by Brainstorm
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
Falling till I disappear
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
There's no way out of here
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Ravenous Minds”
- Produced: Seeb Levermann
- Vocals: Andy Franck
- Bass: Antonio Ieva
- Guitar: Torsten Ihrelnfeld, Milan Loncaric
- Drums: Dieter Bernert
- Engineer: Seeb Levermann
- Mixing Engineer: Seeb Levermann
- Mastering Engineer: Seeb Levermann
- Distributor: Soulfood Music
- Label: AFM Records
- Copyright ©: AFM Records
- Phonographic Copyright ℗: AFM Records
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “Ravenous Minds”:
- Produced: Seeb Levermann rn
- Vocals: Andy Franck rn
- Bass: Antonio Ieva rn
- Guitar: Torsten Ihrelnfeld, Milan Loncaric rn
- Drums: Dieter Bernert rn
- Engineer: Seeb Levermann rn
- Mixing Engineer: Seeb Levermann rn
- Mastering Engineer: Seeb Levermann rn
- Distributor: Soulfood Music rn
- Label: AFM Records rn
- Copyright ©: AFM Records rn
- Phonographic Copyright ℗: AFM Records
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Ravenous Minds” Released in 2018
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Ravenous Minds” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
Falling till I disappear
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
There's no way out of here
Look in my eyes and see
Behind the veil of obscurity
I lay me down to sleep
Losing my fate but soul to keep
Watching me till the end
A soul has passed to burn again
Dark shadows of the damned
Spread their wings, they will descend
It's running through my veins
Say a prayer, cast a spell
I'm causing the living hell
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
Falling till I disappear
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
There's no way out of here
Crawling inside the mind
Is this the fight to face my crimes
Pulling the strings behind
The scenes to harm and fear the mind
If all the world could see
Me for who I'm used to be
Leaving me violently
I still hear you in my sleep
The curse reveals my mind (revelas my mind)
Say a prayer, cast a spell
I'm causing the living hell
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
Falling till I disappear
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
There's no way out of here
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
Falling till I disappear
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
There is no way out of here
There is no way out of here
When all is lost and all is gone
There is no way to choose right from wrong
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
Falling till I disappear
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
There is no way out of here
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
Falling till I disappear
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
There is no way out of here
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
Falling till I disappear
Crossing my life, ravenous minds
There is no way out of here