Shady Business by The Audition Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Shady Business” by The Audition from the album Champion (2008)? More than 131 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Shady Business”.

Shady Business en Lyrics [The Audition]
Shady Business English Lyrics Album Champion

Quote from the song “Shady Business” by The Audition

My hands and hair smell of smoke
My tongue of old black lust and jokes
Oh, no

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Shady Business lyrics [The Audition]

The Audition: Shady Business Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Shady Business”

  • Produced: John Naclerio
  • Written: Ryan O’Connor, Seth Johnson, Tim Klepek, Danny Stevens, Joe Lussa
  • Release Date: 2008

Shady Business lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Shady Business lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Shady Business” Released in 2008

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Shady Business” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

My hands and hair smell of smoke
My tongue of old black lust and jokes
Oh, no

That have been passed through liars
Lips on to this old weathered parchment
That has been torn to shreds

That had stated I was there for everything
That you needed me to, to hold on

I know I didn't say enough
But I know you can't go forcing love
I know I shouldn't call you up
'Cause I'd look so desperate for your love, love

Got caught on calloused heels
Barefoot, undressed and such a mess
Unprepared for the next event

You said you had to go
What happened to the boy you used to know?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

But I stated I was there for everything
That you needed me for, just hold on
Sick of how I tiptoe through problems
Lookin' for a way out and around them
I know I didn't say enough
But I know you can't go forcing love
I know I shouldn't call you up
'Cause I'd look so desperate for your love, love

I broke someone's heart
Too bad that it happened to be my own
Come home, I can promise a better man

We can push things start
Start fresh, introduce ourselves again
And mend all these aching battle scars

I know I didn't say enough
But who says you can't go forcing love, love?

I know I didn't say enough
But who says you can't go forcing love?
I know I shouldn't call you up
'Cause I'd look so desperate for your love, love