No Wrekkordin' by SoulWrekk Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “No Wrekkordin'” by SoulWrekk from the album M.P.T. (2022)? More than 108 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “No Wrekkordin'”.

No Wrekkordin\' en Lyrics [SoulWrekk]
No Wrekkordin\' English Lyrics Album M.P.T.

Quote from the song “No Wrekkordin'” by SoulWrekk

The longer I stay outside the stage lights
The further I feel that spark inside me dim out

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No Wrekkordin' lyrics [SoulWrekk]

SoulWrekk: No Wrekkordin' Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “No Wrekkordin'”

SoulWrekk - “No Wrekkordin'” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of SoulWrekk will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples No Wrekkordin'?
  • Where is No Wrekkordin' music video clip?
  • Who was in the No Wrekkordin' official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song No Wrekkordin'?
  • What is the meaning of the song No Wrekkordin'?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “No Wrekkordin'”

  • Produced: Matei Vlad
  • Written: SoulWrekk
  • Release Date: April 21, 2022

No Wrekkordin' lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: No Wrekkordin' lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “No Wrekkordin'” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “No Wrekkordin'” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


The longer I stay outside the stage lights
The further I feel that spark inside me dim out

[Verse 1]

Every second spent wavering's
A moment wasted
A soul stayed lost, a change
An improvement not tasted
I find it hard, it's hard to find
The sound I want
Perfectionism's got me stuck in a runt


Seen what comes, when the credits roll
And into the light, the soul


I wanna help, I wanna heal
But who am I gonna heal?
I've still got demons to kill
And I constantly fight for my will
To keep and go on instead of letting go
I wanna help, I wanna heal
But who am I gonna heal?
I've still got demons to kill
And I constantly fight for my will
To keep and go on instead of letting go

[Verse 2]

The will that breathes through my guitar
The life, it springs, like a spider hanging
From a star
Skipping through the strings
Like beats from the heart
Frantically toss it away
And it's right back to the start


Seen what comes, when the credits roll
And into the light
The soul does finally fall
Dancing on the ledge of death
I've seen what comes


I wanna help, I wanna heal
But who am I gonna heal?
I've still got demons to kill
And I constantly fight for my will
To keep and go on instead of letting go
I wanna help, I wanna heal
But who am I gonna heal?
I've still got demons to kill
And I constantly fight for my will
To keep and go on instead of letting go


I wanna help, I wanna heal
But who am I gonna heal?
I've still got demons to kill
And I constantly fight for my will
To keep and go on instead of letting go
I wanna help, I wanna heal
But who am I gonna heal?
I've still got demons to kill
And I constantly fight for my will
To keep and go on instead of letting go