Huge Snail by Shonen Knife Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Huge Snail” by Shonen Knife (2015)? More than 28 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Huge Snail”.
Quote from the song “Huge Snail” by Shonen Knife
Here comes a snail
Oh whoa what a snail
You are the king of the garden
Taking a nap under my hydrangea
Dreaming of rainy days
Taking a walk from the door to the step
Takes about three hours
Here comes a snail
In a new mobile home
Traveling around the garden
Moving quite slowly
Built so tough
You are the king of the garden
Taking a walk from the door to the step
Takes about three hours
Here comes a snail
Oh whoa what a snail
You are the king of the garden
You are the king of the garden
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Huge Snail” Released in 2015
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Huge Snail” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Here comes a snail
Oh whoa what a snail
You are the king of the garden
Taking a nap under my hydrangea
Dreaming of rainy days
Taking a walk from the door to the step
Takes about three hours
Here comes a snail
In a new mobile home
Traveling around the garden
Moving quite slowly
Built so tough
You are the king of the garden
Taking a walk from the door to the step
Takes about three hours
Here comes a snail
Oh whoa what a snail
You are the king of the garden
You are the king of the garden