Stratosphere by Basement Life Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Stratosphere” by Basement Life from the album Love Is Not Real (2017)? More than 34 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Stratosphere”.
Quote from the song “Stratosphere” by Basement Life
Don't forget the words poised on my lips
Those nuts and bolts fastened to my throat
Overtones and division attend to coarse intentions
We're hanging by a thread but we're not ahead of that
I watched the choices disappear
They sailed straight through the stratosphere
But altitude calms my mind
You gotta watch me all the time
I know the air is thin, but don't miss a beat
It can be hard to get me
Don't be so cold hearted
Talk to me, is this more than we bargained
I'm just being honest, I'm just being honest
We're loud and petty thieves
It's really sad that we just got started
But you act like this is what you wanted
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Stratosphere” Released in 2017
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Stratosphere” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Don't forget the words poised on my lips
Those nuts and bolts fastened to my throat
Overtones and division attend to coarse intentions
We're hanging by a thread but we're not ahead of that
I watched the choices disappear
They sailed straight through the stratosphere
But altitude calms my mind
You gotta watch me all the time
I know the air is thin, but don't miss a beat
It can be hard to get me
Don't be so cold hearted
Talk to me, is this more than we bargained
I'm just being honest, I'm just being honest
We're loud and petty thieves
It's really sad that we just got started
But you act like this is what you wanted