Amasango by Sam Deep & MaWhoo Lyrics

Looking for the Zulu lyrics to “Amasango” by Sam Deep & MaWhoo from the album What a Time to Be Alive (2022)? More than 184 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Amasango”.

Amasango zu Lyrics [Sam Deep & MaWhoo]
Amasango Zulu Lyrics Album What a Time to Be Alive

Quote from the song “Amasango” by Sam Deep & MaWhoo

Imiqhel' ekhanda lami we
Ngihamba ngokuziqhenya dali we
Ngembethe nengubo yamandl’ anginakwesaba Mavulakuvaliwe, uvule we
Imiqhel' ekhanda lami we
Ngihamba ngokuziqhenya dali we
Ngembethe nengubo yamandl' anginakwesaba
Mavulakuvaliwe, uvule we
Vul’ amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Njalo mang’khulum’ uyangilalela
Ngiza ngenhlonipho nokuthobeka
Ngivul' inhliziyo ngiyathandaza
Anginakh’ ok'ningi ngiyazibongela
Njalo mang'khulum' uyangilalela
Ngiza ngenhlonipho nokuthobeka
Ngivul’ inhliziyo ngiyathandaza
Anginakh' ok'ningi ngiyazibongela
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Njalo mang'khulum' uyangilalela
Ngiza ngenhlonipho nokuthobeka
Ngivul' inhliziyo ngiyathandaza
Anginakh' ok'ningi ngiyazibongela
Njalo mang'khulum' uyangilalela
Ngiza ngenhlonipho nokuthobeka
Ngivul' inhliziyo ngiyathandaza
Anginakh' ok'ningi ngiyazibongela
Imiqhel' ekhanda lami we
Ngihamba ngokuziqhenya dali we
Ngembethe nengubo yamandl' anginakwesaba
Mavulakuvaliwe, uvule we
Imiqhel' ekhanda lami we
Ngihamba ngokuziqhenya dali we
Ngembethe nengubo yamandl' anginakwesaba
Mavulakuvaliwe, uvule we
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede

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Amasango lyrics [Sam Deep & MaWhoo]

Sam Deep & MaWhoo: Amasango Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Amasango”

  • Produced: Sam Deep
  • Written: Sam Deep, MaWhoo
  • Release Date:

Amasango lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Amasango lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Amasango”:

  • Produced: Sam Deep
  • rn
  • Written: Sam Deep, MaWhoo

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Amasango” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Amasango” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Imiqhel' ekhanda lami we
Ngihamba ngokuziqhenya dali we
Ngembethe nengubo yamandl’ anginakwesaba Mavulakuvaliwe, uvule we
Imiqhel' ekhanda lami we
Ngihamba ngokuziqhenya dali we
Ngembethe nengubo yamandl' anginakwesaba
Mavulakuvaliwe, uvule we
Vul’ amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Njalo mang’khulum’ uyangilalela
Ngiza ngenhlonipho nokuthobeka
Ngivul' inhliziyo ngiyathandaza
Anginakh’ ok'ningi ngiyazibongela
Njalo mang'khulum' uyangilalela
Ngiza ngenhlonipho nokuthobeka
Ngivul’ inhliziyo ngiyathandaza
Anginakh' ok'ningi ngiyazibongela
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Njalo mang'khulum' uyangilalela
Ngiza ngenhlonipho nokuthobeka
Ngivul' inhliziyo ngiyathandaza
Anginakh' ok'ningi ngiyazibongela
Njalo mang'khulum' uyangilalela
Ngiza ngenhlonipho nokuthobeka
Ngivul' inhliziyo ngiyathandaza
Anginakh' ok'ningi ngiyazibongela
Imiqhel' ekhanda lami we
Ngihamba ngokuziqhenya dali we
Ngembethe nengubo yamandl' anginakwesaba
Mavulakuvaliwe, uvule we
Imiqhel' ekhanda lami we
Ngihamba ngokuziqhenya dali we
Ngembethe nengubo yamandl' anginakwesaba
Mavulakuvaliwe, uvule we
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede
Vul' amasango
Ngathi Camagu
Ngagebis' ikhanda
Ngathi Bayede