Honey by REVVO Lyrics

Looking for the Croatian lyrics to “Honey” by REVVO (2022)? More than 149 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Honey”.

Honey hr Lyrics [REVVO]
Honey Croatian Lyrics

Quote from the song “Honey” by REVVO

Ne mogu da ti se predam
U oči da gledam, ali dane brojim
Da se vratiš, stalno čekam
Opet fališ


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Honey lyrics [REVVO]

REVVO: Honey Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Honey”

REVVO - “Honey” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of REVVO will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Honey?
  • Where is Honey music video clip?
  • Who was in the Honey official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Honey?
  • What is the meaning of the song Honey?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Honey”

  • Featuring: Sara Zinaić
  • Produced: REVVO
  • Written: Sara Zinaić, Dunja Galonja, REVVO
  • Arranger: REVVO
  • Background Vocals: Sara Zinaić, REVVO
  • Video Producer: REVVO, Filip Nadaški
  • Video Director: Filip Nadaški
  • Video Assistant Director: Ian Wolf, Luka Stojanović
  • Video Studio: Studio “VAV”
  • Video Director Of Photography: Filip Nadaški
  • Video Editing: Filip Nadaški
  • Video Color Correction: Filip Nadaški
  • Video Scenography: Filip Nadaški
  • Video Organisation: REVVO, Filip Nadaški
  • Label: Sever (Label)
  • Recorded At: Studio "Alpha"
  • Release Date: July 28, 2022

Honey lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Honey lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Honey” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Honey” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Tekst pesme "Honey" feat. Sara Zinaić]

[Strofa 1: Revvo]

Ne mogu da ti se predam
U oči da gledam, ali dane brojim
Da se vratiš, stalno čekam
Opet fališ

[Pred-Refren 1: Revvo]

Ne spavam noćima više
Jer želim te bliže, zato barem sama
Kratko stani, još jedan tren
Samo da kažem ti

[Refren: Revvo]

Honey, honey, honey, honey
Razum sad mi brani
Da kažem ti "Honey"
Da kažem ti "Honey"
O-o-o, honey, honey, honey, honey
Jedan razlog daj mi
Da kažem ti "Honey"
Da kažem ti "Honey"

[Strofa 2: Sara Zinaić]

Tražim te pogledom svuda
Pored tebe je druga
Da ti rane leči, tugu da reši
Al' uzalud kada nas se setiš

[Pred-Refren 2: Sara Zinaić]

Ne mogu da ti se predam
Znam, čekaš da vratim se
Al' ovaj put ću reći "Ne"
Ponos ne da mi da zovem te

[Refren: Sara Zinaić]

Honey, honey, honey, honey
Razum sad mi brani
Da kažem ti "Honey"
Da kažem ti "Honey"
O-o-o, honey, honey, honey, honey
Jedan razlog daj mi
Da kažem ti "Honey"
Da kažem ti "Honey"