Pustinja by Aca Lukas Lyrics

Looking for the Croatian lyrics to “Pustinja” by Aca Lukas from the album Nesto Protiv Bolova (2001)? More than 113 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Pustinja”.

Pustinja hr Lyrics [Aca Lukas]
Pustinja Croatian Lyrics Album Nesto Protiv Bolova

Quote from the song “Pustinja” by Aca Lukas

Prah mi pred ocima
Pusto mi je sve
Dani ko godina
Otkad nema te


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Pustinja lyrics [Aca Lukas]

Aca Lukas: Pustinja Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Pustinja” Released in 2001

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Pustinja” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Prah mi pred ocima
Pusto mi je sve
Dani ko godina
Otkad nema te

Magla se spustila
Oci ne vide
Ime ti dozivam
U sred pustinje

Pa nek grmi, neka seva
Luduje, ali zna
Nevreme se sprema
Meni leka nema

Al' negde iz daljine
Vidim te, nazirem
Moram da ti kazem
Bez tebe umirem

Hej, crni oblaci
Nebom caruju
Trag tvojih koraka
Od mene skrivaju
Nek ide bez traga
Nema sile te
Vodi te mene njoj
Il' me ubite

Ref. 2x