Campaign by Muze Sikk Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Campaign” by Muze Sikk (2018)? More than 88 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Campaign”.
Quote from the song “Campaign” by Muze Sikk
(you fuckin wit the goon squad son)
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Official Music Video Song “Campaign”
Muze Sikk - “Campaign” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Muze Sikk will answer the following questions:
- What song samples Campaign?
- Where is Campaign music video clip?
- Who was in the Campaign official music video?
- Who sang the popular song Campaign?
- What is the meaning of the song Campaign?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Campaign”
- Produced: Muze Sikk
- Written: Muze Sikk
- Release Date: October 16, 2018
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Campaign” Released in 2018
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Campaign” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
(you fuckin wit the goon squad son)
I’m indispensable
Hardly ever sensible
Call me Mr. Digital
An artist and a criminal
Crickets on the buckets that I kick without a fist to throw
Throw your best shot I go Ballistic bro
Kiss the bone
Nerf your whole campaign with some balls you can catch
Slightly sick deranged Ichabod on his dark trek
Sleepy hollow half assers can’t master half the stature
Thought it’s me vs the world but turns out I missed the rapture
Cancer for the rapper in asshole no july
Taking shits on the game and you don’t gotta ask why
Take the dick and do comply with the Sikkest wicked style
All the thickets in your mind are why your business is dying
Sprinting to that cash flow while your wells running dry
H.G. Wells with the way I see the future; kiss the sky
Jimi Hendrix to his guitar is sorta like Sikk to all his rhymes
Gimme a minute to trip over the bar get pissed and chuck it high
Give a fuck about your no name broke campaign
Is that a verse you just spit ?
My god that shit was worse than shit
And the irony is your full of it
Ain’t that a bitch ?
Prod. by Sikk
On the game I take dumps
I’m the mother fucking best
A bazooka to ya lil pump
I’m the mf ruler to ya lil punks
Could measure up with a ruler or a ledgered cup
Change the subject
I’m erect
I like her breasts and butt
That’s a blunt
Interjection what ?
Lighting up that ass a hundred thousand giga what’s
Up doc
Doloarans and hoverboards
Stacking the piles high
Your jacket is now dry
Imma con artist
Not con like sequence
But con like
As we commence to begin
Once again
Imma sin to your mf good deed
More like sen to your chihiro
This my alter evil go
Lucky clover reasonable with the demon flow
Here we go
(ending freestyle)