Mirror by Moss Icon Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Mirror” by Moss Icon from the album Lyburnum Wits End Liberation Fly (1993)? More than 20 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Mirror”.
Quote from the song “Mirror” by Moss Icon
We could be from the same mother
You know, maybe we are brothers
I don't think that he said anything, although it was obviously said
And strongly, wise
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Mirror” Released in 1993
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Mirror” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
We could be from the same mother
You know, maybe we are brothers
I don't think that he said anything, although it was obviously said
And strongly, wise
God, the strength you have
You know I always watch you, anticipate you
We're the same when it gets down to "it"
Though I'm not sure what "it" is
We're the same when it gets down to "it"
Respect is more than envy
Respect is more than jealousy
It's respect
I respect you
The mirror
Strength you have
Strength you have
Strength comes with knowledge
We could be from the same mother
You know, maybe we are brothers
I don't think that he said anything, although it was obviously said
And strongly
And wisely
We could be from the same mother
We are brothers
We are brothers, I admit it
And wise
What do you want me to do
I wish I could feel the cut of the glass
Salt in my veins
Just like you
We're called brothers and we're more than that
We're enemies
And I hate you
We're enemies
And I hate you
We're one and the same and I hate you
Because we're
One and the same