Antidotum by Moonrise Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Antidotum” by Moonrise from the album The Lights Of A Distant Bay (2008)? More than 23 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Antidotum”.
Quote from the song “Antidotum” by Moonrise
Sometimes it’s hard to speak the words are way to weak
And though you try so much you cannot say enough
Sometimes the world turns round so you can’t see the sense
It’s time to reconcile and let the music plat
And let the music play…
Just let it play…
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Antidotum”
- Featuring: Łukasz Gałęziowski Kamil Konieczniak
- Produced: Łukasz Gałęziowski Kamil Konieczniak
- Written: Łukasz Gałęziowski Kamil Konieczniak
- Release Date: January 1, 2008
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Antidotum” Released in 2008
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Antidotum” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Sometimes it’s hard to speak the words are way to weak
And though you try so much you cannot say enough
Sometimes the world turns round so you can’t see the sense
It’s time to reconcile and let the music plat
And let the music play…
Just let it play…
You’re the part of the universe
Open up your heart and start to feel
See the world full of miracles
All that you are through was meant to be
Night goes out and day comes in
Open up your lungs and start to breath
You’re the part of the history
Can’t you see the clue it’s you and me…
Sometimes you are so close and you can’t even see
That what you’re looking is nearly at your reach
Sometimes you don’t know how the sings lead you astray
But it was meant to be and let it stay this way
You’re the part of the universe
Open up your lungs and start to breath
See the world full of miracles
Can’t you see the clue it’s you and me
Night goes out and new day comes in…
Open up your heart and start to feel
You’re the part of the history
All that you are through was meant to be