Sweetness [Version] by Mighty Sparrow Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Sweetness [Version]” by Mighty Sparrow from the album Mighty Sparrow 1970 (1970)? More than 35 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Sweetness [Version]”.

Sweetness [Version] en Lyrics [Mighty Sparrow]
Sweetness [Version] English Lyrics Album Mighty Sparrow 1970

Quote from the song “Sweetness [Version]” by Mighty Sparrow

Since you leave me I'm going to America
Since you leave you ain't drop a line
Day and night, Veronica, you're always on meh mind
Many times I went out saying, "I'm having fun"
And I run all around the place
I try every woman they have in town
But no-one could take your place


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Sweetness [Version] lyrics [Mighty Sparrow]

Mighty Sparrow: Sweetness [Version] Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Sweetness [Version]”

  • Written: Mighty Sparrow
  • Release Date:

Sweetness [Version] lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Sweetness [Version] lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Sweetness [Version]”:

  • Written: Mighty Sparrow

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Sweetness [Version]” Released in 1970

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Sweetness [Version]” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Since you leave me I'm going to America
Since you leave you ain't drop a line
Day and night, Veronica, you're always on meh mind
Many times I went out saying, "I'm having fun"
And I run all around the place
I try every woman they have in town
But no-one could take your place

I tell you, you're sweet
I go talk it behind your back or to your face
I tell you, you're sweet
Even sugar will have to take second place
Specially when you shake your waist


You ain't want me again if you could have said
When they talk that I feel a pain
'Causе I'm still hoping and praying
You will be mine again
I remеmber the many good times we had
Although it was long ago
The memories of you hit me very had
Lord, I never miss nothing so
I tell you, you're sweet
I go talk it behind your back or to your face
I tell you, you're sweet
Even sugar will have to take second place
Specially when you shake your waist

Oh, girl! Hmmm...!

Everybody saying how I stupidee
They does mamaguy me all day
But if they know you like me
They'd be stupid same way
Anytime you have time little honeycomb
Remember I am alone
Call me collect on the telephone
And hurry up, come back home

I tell you, you're sweet
I go talk it behind your back or to your face
Ruthie, you're sweet
Even sugar will have to take second place
Specially when you shake your waist

Girl, oh jeez...!
Oh ho ho...!
Oh boy...