Looking for the English lyrics to “BAD LOVE” by M.B.6IXTEEN from the album - 24H - (2023)? More than 265 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “BAD LOVE”.
Quote from the song “BAD LOVE” by M.B.6IXTEEN
Green leave among autumn leaves (yellow and orange)
Red fish (goldfish)
In the blue sea
Why is there no body like our color (no one likes us)
Bad mood in perfect condition
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Official Music Video Song “BAD LOVE”
M.B.6IXTEEN - “BAD LOVE” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of M.B.6IXTEEN will answer the following questions:
- What song samples BAD LOVE?
- Where is BAD LOVE music video clip?
- Who was in the BAD LOVE official music video?
- Who sang the popular song BAD LOVE?
- What is the meaning of the song BAD LOVE?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “BAD LOVE”
- Featuring: Mtinora
- Produced: Hyitler production
- Written: Aymen Mekideche
- Release Date: June 25, 2023
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “BAD LOVE” Released in 2023
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “BAD LOVE” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Green leave among autumn leaves (yellow and orange)
Red fish (goldfish)
In the blue sea
Why is there no body like our color (no one likes us)
Bad mood in perfect condition
It's summer but the pool is empty
There is no goal but you have a motive for something
See there's nothing in the right place
Petty figure with a Barbie body
I'm talking about irony
That anything is not in the right place
And to continue, I want to say that it is easy, life is like this, and we must accept those paradoxes
9lbyi mat m3ak love dar 3lyia
Dour dour dour twlyi lyia
5tyiny rou7yi kamel matchoufyih fyia
Byin lgarou wel garou kayen lkyia
9lbyi mat m3ak love dar 3lyia
Dour dour dour twlyi lyia
5tyiny rou7yi kamel matchoufyih fyia
Byin lgarou wel garou kayen ntyia
Hakyi beybey
3ndek babak wna 3ndyi gyir jaybyi
Tbkyi fyi dyik lyila wna dyik lyila
Kan m3aya black (BLACK16) lyila haymyin
Byini wbyinek had love big chyit
Ms7ty lmous fyia wna tchantyit
Darou ga3 3lyia w7dyi atiuqe am good
Fuck your life offcours am good
Wrakyi beybey
Hadyi mouda meme twlyi les sentiments rahoum raybyin
This bawshyit rahoum karhyin beybey
Pleses mat9oulyich 3yinya
Ma3chtyb malm7tyi wchafet 3yinya
Nkdeb n9oulek l7kaya mnsyia
Machfty chyitanyi madertek poupia
Madertek poupia oui rou7yi mnsyia
Khyir mnchkel 3lyik blyia
9lbyi mat m3ak love dar 3lyia
Dour dour dour twlyi lyia
5tyiny rou7yi kamel matchoufyih fyia
Byin lgarou wel garou kayen lkyia yeah
9lbyi mat m3ak love dar 3lyia
Dour dour dour twlyi lyia
5tyiny rou7yi kamel matchoufyih fyia
Byin lgarou wel garou kayen ntyia yeah
Welcome to lAfrica
Makach lyi ydawyik
Hnaya tzyid mryid
Love la nouryid
Ra7t lbal lyi nouryid
La drogue wlyicide
Jenirasyoue chyimicek
Dzayer wl kyiran
Mel 7ouma leliran
Fuck you beyney