MIRROR OF REALITY by MeekaBuizel Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “MIRROR OF REALITY” by MeekaBuizel from the album Songs of the Dream SMP (2022)? More than 199 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “MIRROR OF REALITY”.
Quote from the song “MIRROR OF REALITY” by MeekaBuizel
It’s so scary, you know, it’s just so fucked up
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “MIRROR OF REALITY”
- Produced: Monolyth, MeekaBuizel
- Written: MeekaBuizel
- Labels: ZBP Entertainment, Monolyth, Beanpole Records
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “MIRROR OF REALITY”:
- Produced: Monolyth, MeekaBuizel rn
- Written: MeekaBuizel rn
- Labels: ZBP Entertainment, Monolyth, Beanpole Records
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “MIRROR OF REALITY” Released in 2022
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “MIRROR OF REALITY” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
It’s so scary, you know, it’s just so fucked up
[Verse 1]
I’ve been looking into the mirror
I can’t even stand my own reflection
It’s like I’m looking in at someone else
Like my eyes are filled with rejection
I can’t stand the shit that it’s putting me through
I just wanna see myself, but it’s like I’m looking into
A new dimension, do I need a straight jacket?
There’s no redemption, am I chasing after facts
No telling why
It’s like I’m looking into the mirror of reality
Tryna see me, but all I see is this monster I created
There’s nothing, I’ll just suffer through mortality
Now, all that’s left to do is see this monster I created
[Verse 2]
우리가 왜 여기 있는지 전혀 모르겠어
[I have no idea why we are here]
제 이름을 아시나요? I can tell you, 아마 아닐거야
[Do you know my name? I can tell you, probably not]
I’ve been stepping back, 하지만 내가 보는 모든 문제는
[I've been stepping back, but every problem I see is]
That now all that’s left for me to do is 내가 속한 곳으로 돌아가
[That now all that's left for me to do is go back to where I belong]
[In Hell]
Finding trouble around the corner
Something tells me I'm just pouring
My heart out to nobody
Please just give me somebody
It’s like I’m looking into the mirror of reality
Tryna see me, but all I see is this monster I created
There’s nothing, I’ll just suffer through mortality
Now, all that’s left to do is see this monster I created
Looking into the mirror of reality
I see this monster I created
I'll just suffer through mortality
I see this monster I created
FAQ & Knowledge Song “MIRROR OF REALITY”
ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?
Verified CommentaryMonolyth & Beanpole Records
It’s a song about Fundy, but inspired by a picture that xxXFroxyXx [on DeviantArt] made back in 2020. I also want to do this song with Hyunjin from Stray Kids, but I’m learning Korean, so if he doesn’t want to do it, I guess I’ll do it myself.
[via DeviantArt]