Kids with fake guns by Hrvrd Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Kids with fake guns” by Hrvrd from the album From the Bird's Cage (2013)? More than 66 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Kids with fake guns”.

Kids with fake guns en Lyrics [Hrvrd]
Kids with fake guns English Lyrics Album From the Bird\'s Cage

Quote from the song “Kids with fake guns” by Hrvrd

What you wanna see, what you wanna see
What you wanna hear, what you wanna hear
She's got some sort of virus
Some sort of virus in her head
Where'd she get it?

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Kids with fake guns lyrics [Hrvrd]

Hrvrd: Kids with fake guns Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Kids with fake guns” Released in 2013

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Kids with fake guns” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

What you wanna see, what you wanna see
What you wanna hear, what you wanna hear
She's got some sort of virus
Some sort of virus in her head
Where'd she get it?

And it goes for us both
You wanna know what it takes to make this work
And it goes for us both
You wanna know what it takes to make this work out

But if you wait too long who's going to know?
You, your love was wrong
Hold your tounge, she's got some sort of virus
Some sort of virus

And it goes for us both
You wanna know what it takes to make this work
And it goes for us both
You wanna know what it takes to make this work out

You went out of town
You went out of town
When the kids lie about thier own valentine
Signifies a love has died
But now you're telling me you've broken my
Ageless love, ageless love

And it goes for us both
You wanna know what it takes to make this work
And it goes for us both
You wanna know what it takes to make this work out

Love has to work itself out
Love has to