Anywhere But Here by Kelly Willis & Bruce Robison Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Anywhere But Here” by Kelly Willis & Bruce Robison from the album Our Year (2014)? More than 162 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Anywhere But Here”.

Anywhere But Here en Lyrics [Kelly Willis & Bruce Robison]
Anywhere But Here English Lyrics Album Our Year

Quote from the song “Anywhere But Here” by Kelly Willis & Bruce Robison

Fourteen and wondering when my life begins
My brother softly sleeping, rain upon the tent
Love's still a mystery, the summer day so slow
A hauling hay, another place, it was a lifetime ago
Take me back somewhere

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Anywhere But Here lyrics [Kelly Willis & Bruce Robison]

Kelly Willis & Bruce Robison: Anywhere But Here Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Anywhere But Here” Released in 2014

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Anywhere But Here” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1:]

Fourteen and wondering when my life begins
My brother softly sleeping, rain upon the tent
Love's still a mystery, the summer day so slow
A hauling hay, another place, it was a lifetime ago
Take me back somewhere


But now it's old as stars and shadows
And heaven's just a dream; I thought that i knew trouble
But the devil laughed at me. Any life that was worth living
Any moment that's not here
It's getting harder to remember anywhere, but here

[Verse 2:]

Rhyme without a reason, time without a place
The sweet smell of her brown hair
Lips upon my face.I feel her soft surrender, I know the moments gold
The yesterdays are a river that the mind can only hold
I close my eyes I'm there



Anywhere but here
There's a breeze upon the water
Anywhere but here
There's people there who care
I know my mind is aching the moments stay awaken, seem so clear
Fourteen and wondering when my life begins
My brother softly sleeping, rain upon the tent