Swing by José González & Solomun Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Swing” by José González & Solomun from the album Swing EP (2022)? More than 141 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Swing”.
Quote from the song “Swing” by José González & Solomun
Swing, swing
Move, move
Swing, swing
Move, move
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Swing” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Official Music Video Song “Swing”
José González & Solomun - “Swing” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of José González & Solomun will answer the following questions:
- What song samples Swing?
- Where is Swing music video clip?
- Who was in the Swing official music video?
- Who sang the popular song Swing?
- What is the meaning of the song Swing?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Swing”
- Written: José González, Hannele Fernström
- Artist: Solomun, José González
- Copyright ©: Mute Records, Imperial Records
- Phonographic Copyright ℗: Mute Records, Imperial Records
- Label: Mute Records
- Remixer: Solomun
- Release Date: May 27, 2022
Additional Information About the Sample “Swing”:
- Swing (Solomun Remix) Is A Remix Of: Swing by José González
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Swing” Released in 2022
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Swing” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[Intro: José González]
Swing, swing
Move, move
Swing, swing
Move, move
[Verse 1: José González]
Swing, swing what nature gave you
Move, move like you don't care
Swing, swing like you don't care
[Refrain: Hannele Fernström]
Swing, swing, swing your belly, baby
Move, move, move your body, buddy
Swing, swing, swing your belly, baby
Move, move, move your body, buddy
To the rhythm inside you
(To the rhythm inside you)
[Chorus: José González]
Swing, swing
Move, move
Swing, swing
Move, move
[Verse 2: José González]
Swing, swing what nature gave you
Move, move like you don't care
Like you don't care
[Chorus: José González]
Swing, swing
Move, move
Swing, swing
Move, move
[Verse 3: José González]
Swing, swing your mama gave you
Move, movе
Swing, swing
What your mama gave you
[Bridge: Hannele Fernström & José González]
Swing, swing, swing your belly, baby
Move, movе, move your body, buddy
Swing, swing, swing your belly, baby
Move, move, move your body, buddy
Swing, swing
(Your mama gave you)
Swing, swing
(What your mama gave you)
[Outro: José González]
To the rhythm inside you
Your mama gave you
What your mama gave you
FAQ & Knowledge Song “Swing”
ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?
Solomun: I was delighted that José asked me to remix his song, but at first it was no easy task to find an approach how to remix „Swing“. I was almost about to ask for an alternate track but then by chance I heard Matt Bianco’s „Half a Minute“ from 1984 on the radio, and this gave me the inspiration I needed to start all over again. In the end I’m very happy, I didn’t give up
— via City Slang