My Rough and Rowdy Ways by Jimmie Rodgers Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “My Rough and Rowdy Ways” by Jimmie Rodgers from the album My Rough & Rowdy Ways (1929)? More than 142 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “My Rough and Rowdy Ways”.
Quote from the song “My Rough and Rowdy Ways” by Jimmie Rodgers
For years and years I've rambled drank my wines and gambled
But one day I thought I'd settle down
I met a perfect lady she said she'd be my baby
We built a cottage in the old hometown
But somehow I can't forget my good old rambling days
The railroad trains are calling me away
Can you finish lyrics of the song “My Rough and Rowdy Ways” based on this quote?
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Official Music Video Song “My Rough and Rowdy Ways”
Jimmie Rodgers - “My Rough and Rowdy Ways” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Jimmie Rodgers will answer the following questions:
- What song samples My Rough and Rowdy Ways?
- Where is My Rough and Rowdy Ways music video clip?
- Who was in the My Rough and Rowdy Ways official music video?
- Who sang the popular song My Rough and Rowdy Ways?
- What is the meaning of the song My Rough and Rowdy Ways?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “My Rough and Rowdy Ways”
- Written: Elsie McWilliams, Jimmie Rodgers
- Release Date: October 22, 1929
Additional Information About the Sample “My Rough and Rowdy Ways”:
- My Rough and Rowdy Ways Covers: My Rough and Rowdy Ways by Merle Haggard, My Rough and Rowdy Ways by Anna Nalick
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “My Rough and Rowdy Ways” Released in 1929
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “My Rough and Rowdy Ways” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
For years and years I've rambled drank my wines and gambled
But one day I thought I'd settle down
I met a perfect lady she said she'd be my baby
We built a cottage in the old hometown
But somehow I can't forget my good old rambling days
The railroad trains are calling me away
I may be rough I may be wild I may be tough and countrified
But I can't give up my good old rough and rowdy ways
Sometimes I meet a bounder who knew me when I was a rounder
He grabs my hand and says boy have a drink
We'd go down to the poolroom get in the gang and then soon
The daylight comes before I'd had a wink
But somehow I can't forget...