Headlines by Fischer-Z Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Headlines” by Fischer-Z from the album Word Salad (1979)? More than 82 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Headlines”.
Quote from the song “Headlines” by Fischer-Z
Don't look behind yer, you know it's so much kinder
Don't look behind yer, when you are on your way
Don't look behind yer, you don't know what you'll find there
When you take your rightful place in the headlines
When they knock your castle down
Like Sodom and Gomorrah
You can't turn and laugh at them
You'll still be there tomorrow
Don't look behind yer
You don't know what you'll find there
When you take your rightful place in the headlines
Don't compromise or weaken
In a desparate situation
You'll be there till Doomsday
Still trying to make a name
Don't look behind yer
You don't know what you'll find there
When you take your rightful place in the headlines
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Headlines” Released in 1979
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Headlines” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Don't look behind yer, you know it's so much kinder
Don't look behind yer, when you are on your way
Don't look behind yer, you don't know what you'll find there
When you take your rightful place in the headlines
When they knock your castle down
Like Sodom and Gomorrah
You can't turn and laugh at them
You'll still be there tomorrow
Don't look behind yer
You don't know what you'll find there
When you take your rightful place in the headlines
Don't compromise or weaken
In a desparate situation
You'll be there till Doomsday
Still trying to make a name
Don't look behind yer
You don't know what you'll find there
When you take your rightful place in the headlines