Karma :) by Traian (xraian) Lyrics

Looking for the Romanian lyrics to “Karma :)” by Traian (xraian) from the album prostutelor (`∀’)Ψ (2023)? More than 546 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Karma :)”.

Karma :) ro Lyrics [Traian (xraian)]
Karma :) Romanian Lyrics Album prostutelor (`∀’)Ψ

Quote from the song “Karma :)” by Traian (xraian)

OMG, Traian, ce nebun ești!
(Yeah, yeah, let's go, let’s go)


Can you finish lyrics of the song “Karma :)” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

Karma :) lyrics [Traian (xraian)]

Traian (xraian): Karma :) Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Karma :)”

Traian (xraian) - “Karma :)” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Traian (xraian) will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Karma :)?
  • Where is Karma :) music video clip?
  • Who was in the Karma :) official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Karma :)?
  • What is the meaning of the song Karma :)?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Karma :)”

  • Written: Traian (xraian)
  • Phonographic Copyright ℗: Multitalent
  • Copyright ©: Multitalent
  • Label: Multitalent
  • Release Date: March 19, 2023

Karma :) lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Karma :) lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Karma :)” Released in 2023

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Karma :)” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


OMG, Traian, ce nebun ești!
(Yeah, yeah, let's go, let’s go)


Va avea loc un masacru
Pe care-l voi privi zâmbind
E prea târziu acum hai zi "pa pa" la a trăi
Și n-ai cum să scapi, am totu' pregătit
Nu-mi pasă de victimele colaterale-s nesimțit


Ah, ah, eu lupt cot la cot cu karma
Yeah, vei fi rece ca iarna
Târfo știi că n-am făcut nimic
Acum vei păți ce pățește un inamic
Ești prea obsedată, cred c-ai obosit
E ok, în pământ te vei putea odihni
No cap, uite, m-ai pus la încercare
Vă iau pe rând, s-a zis cu fiecare


Un măcel pe care-l voi privi zâmbind
E prеa târziu acum hai zi "pa pa" la a trăi
Și n-ai cum să scapi, am totu' pregătit
Nu-mi pasă de victimelе colaterale-s nesimțit