It's Over by Gorilla Zoe Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “It's Over” by Gorilla Zoe from the album King Kong (2011)? More than 59 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “It's Over”.

It\'s Over en Lyrics [Gorilla Zoe]
It\'s Over English Lyrics Album King Kong

Quote from the song “It's Over” by Gorilla Zoe

You make a commitment
And don't wanna deal wit it
They take full advantage
And leave you stuck real sick
Now, your love is fragile
I ease your heart to break
And the next was nothin different
Gotta learn from my mistakes
I know just how you feel
You feel like givin up
Got no more love to give
Cause they don't use it up
You gave your heart away
It took you just a tail
Say you only made me stronger now so I don't even care
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It's Over lyrics [Gorilla Zoe]

Gorilla Zoe: It's Over Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “It's Over”

  • Produced: DJ Spinz
  • Release Date:

It's Over lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: It's Over lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “It's Over”:

  • Produced: DJ Spinz

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “It's Over” Released in 2011

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “It's Over” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

You make a commitment
And don't wanna deal wit it
They take full advantage
And leave you stuck real sick
Now, your love is fragile
I ease your heart to break
And the next was nothin different
Gotta learn from my mistakes
I know just how you feel
You feel like givin up
Got no more love to give
Cause they don't use it up
You gave your heart away
It took you just a tail
Say you only made me stronger now so I don't even care
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Just wanna let you know, I don't even care no more
Yeah its over, its oovverrr. I'm over you

Maybe understanding, is what your looking for
Looking through the window, when love don't close a door
Sometimes you gotta give, when you don't get nothin back
First you gotta love you for someone doin thats a fact
I know just how you feel, you feel like givin up
Got no more love to give. Cause they don't use it up
You gave your heart away
It took you just a tail
Say you only made me stronger now so I don't even care
Listen here


Just wanna let you know, I don't even care no more
Yeah its over, its oovverrr. I'm over you

Feels like a heart attack
When your left standin there
When you had your heart set
When book come turnin there
See life don't owe you nothin
You'll realize it isn't fair
When someone says they love you
But the truth is they don't care
I know just how you feel, you feel like givin up
Got no more love to give. Cause they don't use it up
You gave your heart away
It took you just a tail
Say you only made me stronger now so I don't even care
Listen here


Just wanna let you know, I don't even care no more
Yeah its over, its oovverrr. I'm over you

I gave you all I had to give
You took my love for a weakness
I'm tired of dealing with your shit
Its over and done with, its over and done with


Just wanna let you know, I don't even care no more
Yeah its over, its oovverrr. I'm over you