Ebb And Flow by The Whispertown 2000 Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Ebb And Flow” by The Whispertown 2000 from the album Swim (2008)? More than 134 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Ebb And Flow”.

Ebb And Flow en Lyrics [The Whispertown 2000]
Ebb And Flow English Lyrics Album Swim

Quote from the song “Ebb And Flow” by The Whispertown 2000

I can't god damn believe this shit, the earth is spinning still
The message has been sent down from the house up on the hill
They're crying, help me
I've got to trade you something for my money
I've got my job, i pay my tax, i take my two week, relax
Expect some satisfaction yeah, from the top of the class


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Ebb And Flow lyrics [The Whispertown 2000]

The Whispertown 2000: Ebb And Flow Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Ebb And Flow”

  • Produced: Thom Monahan, David Rawlings
  • Written: Morgan Nagler
  • Release Date: October 21, 2008

Ebb And Flow lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Ebb And Flow lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Ebb And Flow” Released in 2008

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Ebb And Flow” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I can't god damn believe this shit, the earth is spinning still
The message has been sent down from the house up on the hill
They're crying, help me
I've got to trade you something for my money
I've got my job, i pay my tax, i take my two week, relax
Expect some satisfaction yeah, from the top of the class

We're crying, help me, i need my education make me happy
But you know that it goes with the ebb and flow
You'll never know how it was just so
You can holler and cry, god, no why why
Well I'm switching sidеs, but the great divide
Makе you a tight rope walking fool
He loves you whole, she loves you not, you got your hole to fill
You got your burning question for the house up on the hill

Crying, help me, we've got to ride that line, let in happy
'cause you know that it goes with the ebb and flow
You'll never know how it was just so
You can holler and cry, God no, why, why
I'm switching sides, but the great divide
Make you a tight rope walking foot