Wintercoffin by Garden Of Delight Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Wintercoffin” by Garden Of Delight from the album Apocryphal II: The Faithful (2003)? More than 126 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Wintercoffin”.

Wintercoffin en Lyrics [Garden Of Delight]
Wintercoffin English Lyrics Album Apocryphal II: The Faithful

Quote from the song “Wintercoffin” by Garden Of Delight

Watching the dead of the sun
The time moves
Melt away
Crystaline formations
Delight of the cold
Is burning inside
Spiritless i lay
On frozen highs
What a prefect view
The clearest wind
Take a deep breath
My angel
Now we are the same
Completely insane
Our glory
Lost in vain
What a perfect view
Enter my coffin
My wintercoffin
Awaiting to see
The faithful king
What a perfect view!

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Wintercoffin lyrics [Garden Of Delight]

Garden Of Delight: Wintercoffin Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Wintercoffin” Released in 2003

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Wintercoffin” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Watching the dead of the sun
The time moves
Melt away
Crystaline formations
Delight of the cold
Is burning inside
Spiritless i lay
On frozen highs
What a prefect view
The clearest wind
Take a deep breath
My angel
Now we are the same
Completely insane
Our glory
Lost in vain
What a perfect view
Enter my coffin
My wintercoffin
Awaiting to see
The faithful king
What a perfect view!