Christian Music News: Done is Sometimes Better Than Perfect. (2025)

As artists, we can all fall prey to a spirit of perfectionism. Here's what I mean.

As artists, we can all fall prey to a spirit of perfectionism. Here's what I mean.

Done is Sometimes Better Than Perfect.

As artists, we can all fall prey to a spirit of perfectionism.

Here's what I mean.

Maybe you're someone who can't release a track until the guitar note or vocal is perfect (even though it was perfect 3 iterations ago and you end up coming back to that take), so you miss the most strategic window to release the song.

Or maybe you re-read and write your latest e-newsletter until you hate everything you’ve written, and decide no one cares to hear from you anyways so you never send it.

Or perhaps it’s needing that acoustic video for social media to just have a little bit better lighting, and then it might be good enough to post…but you never get the right lighting so you never share it.

I’m here today to simply remind you that sometimes done is better than perfect.

It’s easy to get stuck in a creative rut simply because we get overwhelmed with needing things to be perfect. To be acceptable to our audience.

Not only can this slow (or even halt!) progress and momentum, it can deeply harm your sense of confidence in what you’re making or what you’re called to.

So today, choose to take a tiny step forward. Just go ahead and post that thing, finish the lyrics, and write that blog post. Whatever it may be, just get it done and learn how you can make it better for next time!

Kat RobertsonSr. Marketing Director at Christian Music Marketing

P.S. If you feel stuck, our team can help you get unstuck. Apply to work with us today!