Home - Live At Spotify Offices / 2013 by Dan Croll Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Home - Live At Spotify Offices / 2013” by Dan Croll from the album Spotify Session (Live At Spotify Offices / 2013) (2013)? More than 47 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Home - Live At Spotify Offices / 2013”.
Quote from the song “Home - Live At Spotify Offices / 2013” by Dan Croll
I've forgotten how it feels with the carpet under my seat
It's the polyester fibers that wrap around my feet
Feels like home, home
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Home - Live At Spotify Offices / 2013” based on this quote?
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Additional Information About the Sample “Home - Live At Spotify Offices / 2013”:
- Home - Live At Spotify Offices / 2013 Is A Live Version Of: Home by Dan Croll
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Home - Live At Spotify Offices / 2013” Released in 2013
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Home - Live At Spotify Offices / 2013” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
I've forgotten how it feels with the carpet under my seat
It's the polyester fibers that wrap around my feet
Feels like home, home
When the cold shakes my bones it's the rug that warms my soul
It's the textile to the skin, and the sensation alone feels like home, home
So if you ever come 'round to my house take your shoes off at the door
'Cause it's impolite not to; you'll be damaging my floor
'Cause it's my home
When you're down and you're alone it's the train that brings you home
And your mother, brother, sister, father, waitin' at the door
It's so sweet, sweet
Makes me glad I'm only a stone's throw away
Makes me sad that others can't have it the same way
Oh, home, home
In the forest it's unlikely that you'll find a home so tidy
Compared to what it's like living like a city type
Why, it's no home