Illusion by Candy Claws Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Illusion” by Candy Claws from the album Ceres & Calypso in the Deep Time (2013)? More than 168 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Illusion”.
Quote from the song “Illusion” by Candy Claws
(Mor)ning be(gins in)side the flow(er
An) abundance (of new) life e(mer)ges
Each (hour on) land, in wat(er and) air
Inside (morning) begins
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Illusion”
- Produced: Ryan Hover
- Written: Jenn Morea
- Mastering: Michael Saltsman
- Vocals: Hank Bertholf, Karen Hover, Ryan Hover
- Release Date: June 25, 2013
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Illusion” Released in 2013
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Illusion” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[Verse 1]
(Mor)ning be(gins in)side the flow(er
An) abundance (of new) life e(mer)ges
Each (hour on) land, in wat(er and) air
Inside (morning) begins
[Verse 1]
(Mor)ning be(gins in)side the flow(er
An) abundance (of new) life e(mer)ges
Each (hour on) land, in wat(er and) air
Inside (morning) begins
[Verse 2]
Circles of eggs in mud-mound nests
With gentleness are protected inside
Warm underneath rotting leaf heat
The mystery is all around us continuously
(Smaller lands drifting continuously)
[Verse 2]
Circles of eggs in mud-mound nests
With gentleness are protected inside
Warm underneath rotting leaf heat
The mystery is all around us continuously
(Smaller lands drifting continuously)
[Verse 1]
(Mor)ning be(gins in)side the flow(er
An) abundance (of new) life e(mer)ges
Each (hour on) land, in wat(er and) air
Inside (morning) begins