Wave by APEKZME Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Wave” by APEKZME from the album WAVE (2020)? More than 74 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Wave”.

Wave en Lyrics [APEKZME]
Wave English Lyrics Album WAVE

Quote from the song “Wave” by APEKZME

Halleluyah Wave
My song na Wave
Odun ko ko koko for you door
You dey ask me say na who dey knooock
Na Me dey Ball
Na Me Dey Ball


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Wave lyrics [APEKZME]

APEKZME: Wave Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Wave”

APEKZME - “Wave” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of APEKZME will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Wave?
  • Where is Wave music video clip?
  • Who was in the Wave official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Wave?
  • What is the meaning of the song Wave?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Wave”

  • Produced: APEKZME
  • Written: APEKZME
  • Release Date: September 27, 2020

Wave lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Wave lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Wave” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Wave” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Halleluyah Wave
My song na Wave
Odun ko ko koko for you door
You dey ask me say na who dey knooock
Na Me dey Ball
Na Me Dey Ball

E Don Come again
I don start again
My song na wave and i go make u craze
E don Come Again
I don Burst Your Brain
Me am giving You Wave
And am making Way o
Moni Halleluyah
Mo korin Fun won won Joh
My song e dey shack dem like Gbana o
They want to Shame me
Me i wear my Ray and Banna o
When My Music Drop
Make You go dey stream
No dey kala o
Some say am a Beast
Some say am a Lace on the Beat
Odun ko ko koko for you door
You dey ask me say na who dey knooock
Na Me dеy Ball
Na Me Dey Ball

Odun ko ko koko for you door
You dey ask mе say na who dey knooock
Na Me dey Come
Na Me Dey Come

Say My Song Wave
Halleluyah Wave I Don Make them Craze

I Know Guyz Wey dey for me
I Know Guyz wey go always dey with Me
I Know Guyz wey no go snitch on Me
I know Guyz we dey always ready for me
When i dey 100% o
Eh dey no reget O
Eh I wan Sing for you
Yeh Make you shake your body
Ani mo korin fun won won jooh
E con be like say i don blow
Iss a Tick tick tok
Make you watch my time go come yeh e yeh
Oni Kin ma Korin, Mo Korin
O so mi di Bovi o funny
Shebi moti logbe Biro
So funmi Kilo tun de Bayi
Odun ko ko koko for you door
You dey ask me say na who dey knooock
Na Me dey Ball
Na Me Dey Ball

Odun ko ko koko for you door
You dey ask me say na who dey knooock
Na Me dey come
Na Me Dey come