City Groove by Z (New Wave) Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “City Groove” by Z (New Wave) from the album In Berlin (1980)? More than 96 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “City Groove”.
Quote from the song “City Groove” by Z (New Wave)
Looking out my window
Seeing the city lights
Here I'm with my woman
And everything's all right
Well, I don't know your secrets
Or where you come from
Well, all I can say is
We're ain't doing wrong
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “City Groove”
- Produced: Matthias Härtl, Bernd Ramien
- Written: David McCormack (GER), Gerhard Helle, Johannes Fuchs, Klemens Domning, Michael Kurzawa
- Release Date: 1980
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “City Groove” Released in 1980
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “City Groove” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Looking out my window
Seeing the city lights
Here I'm with my woman
And everything's all right
Well, I don't know your secrets
Or where you come from
Well, all I can say is
We're ain't doing wrong
So hold me, baby, help me please
I don't want no more mysteries
Just love me, baby, do it right
Well, I ain't satisfied
To be like all the rest
So I make it my business
Just to do my best
Well, I've had my ups and downs
Good and bad times, too
Well, all I can say is
We keep pulling through
So hold me, baby, help me please
I don't want no more mysteries
Just love me, baby, do it right tonight
So hold me, baby, help me please
I don't want no more mysteries
Just love me, baby, do it right tonight