The April Fools by 高橋幸宏 (Yukihiro Takahashi) Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “The April Fools” by 高橋幸宏 (Yukihiro Takahashi) (1983)? More than 84 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “The April Fools”.

The April Fools en Lyrics [高橋幸宏 (Yukihiro Takahashi)]
The April Fools English Lyrics

Quote from the song “The April Fools” by 高橋幸宏 (Yukihiro Takahashi)

In an april dream
Once you came to me
When you smile I look in to your eyes
And I knew I’ve been loving you and
Then you toucht my hend
And I lerned april dreams can come true

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The April Fools lyrics [高橋幸宏 (Yukihiro Takahashi)]

高橋幸宏 (Yukihiro Takahashi): The April Fools Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “The April Fools”

  • Featuring: Burt Bacharach, Hal David
  • Produced: 高橋幸宏 (Yukihiro Takahashi)
  • Release Date: August 24, 1983

The April Fools lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: The April Fools lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “The April Fools” Released in 1983

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “The April Fools” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

In an april dream
Once you came to me
When you smile I look in to your eyes
And I knew I’ve been loving you and
Then you toucht my hend
And I lerned april dreams can come true


Are we jast april fools
Who can't see all the danger around as
If we just april fools
I don’t care
True love has found as now

[Verse 2]

Little did we know
Where the road will leade
Here we are a milions milles away
From the past travelig so fast now
There’s no turnig back
If our sweet april dream doesn’t last


Are we jast april fools
Who can't see all the danger around as
If we just april fools
I don’t care
We’ll find the way somehow
No need to be afraid
True love has found as now