Come and Drown by Wounds of Recollection Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Come and Drown” by Wounds of Recollection from the album Crashing Waves of Heaven (2018)? More than 195 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Come and Drown”.

Come and Drown en Lyrics [Wounds of Recollection]
Come and Drown English Lyrics Album Crashing Waves of Heaven

Quote from the song “Come and Drown” by Wounds of Recollection

A serpent's head tilts back
Pantomiming how we move
Blue waves crash around me
You and I stand still

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Come and Drown lyrics [Wounds of Recollection]

Wounds of Recollection: Come and Drown Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Come and Drown”

  • Produced: Annos
  • Written: Annos
  • Release Date: December 28, 2018

Come and Drown lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Come and Drown lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Come and Drown” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Come and Drown” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

A serpent's head tilts back
Pantomiming how we move
Blue waves crash around me
You and I stand still

And we break the fuchsia
And we break the fuchsia

Blue and pink mix at my heels
You and red mix at my heels

The endless march in my breast
You are the newest portrait
The endless march at my feet
Swallow me whole, Atlantic

This cold resting place

The endless march in my breast
Drowning, drowning, drowning
The endless march towards you

The endless march in my breast
Drowning, drowning, drowning
The endless march towards you
The endless march in my breast
Drowning, drowning, drowning
The endless march towards you