YOU'RE MY KIND by Why Not Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “YOU'RE MY KIND” by Why Not from the album WHY NOT (2022)? More than 173 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “YOU'RE MY KIND”.

YOU\'RE MY KIND en Lyrics [Why Not]
YOU\'RE MY KIND English Lyrics Album WHY NOT

Quote from the song “YOU'RE MY KIND” by Why Not

Gotta make up my mind
It's hard enough
But it's fine, oh, quite alright
Gotta get what's in outside
So marvelous
What I'd to save my pride
Even though I know it's not my fault
I wanna keep trying to move it on
I'm not gonna waste my time just faking to cover up
With you right by my side, it's obvious
I'm alive

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YOU'RE MY KIND lyrics [Why Not]

Why Not: YOU'RE MY KIND Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “YOU'RE MY KIND”

  • Produced: Caleb Wright
  • Release Date:

YOU'RE MY KIND lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: YOU'RE MY KIND lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “YOU'RE MY KIND”:

  • Produced: Caleb Wright

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “YOU'RE MY KIND” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “YOU'RE MY KIND” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

Gotta make up my mind
It's hard enough
But it's fine, oh, quite alright
Gotta get what's in outside
So marvelous
What I'd to save my pride
Even though I know it's not my fault
I wanna keep trying to move it on
I'm not gonna waste my time just faking to cover up
With you right by my side, it's obvious
I'm alive


Baby, you're my kind
When I feel you I can see I'm falling
Baby, you're alright
I don't want to, want to forget you darlin'

[Verse 2]

Gotta think of other lines
So harsh to judge
I could fight for all my life
What does it imply?
It's ominous
But I swear it will be fine
Why do I struggle to tell the truth?
I wanna be honest to you
Won't ever be so fake with each other
Never hurts to try
I'll follow up when it's right


Baby, you'rе my kind
When I feel you I can see I'm falling
Baby, you're alright
I don't want to, want to forget you darlin'


Watching closеly, never fading out
Just like my love for you

[Instrumental Break]


Baby, you're my kind
When I feel you I can see I'm falling
Baby, you're alright
I don't want to, want to forget you darlin'
Baby, you're my kind
When I feel you I can see I'm falling
Baby, you're alright
I don't want to, want to forget you darlin'