Looking for the English lyrics to “FREE” by WHATEVER WE ARE (2021)? More than 170 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “FREE”.

FREE English Lyrics

Quote from the song “FREE” by WHATEVER WE ARE

I Suffocated suffocated suffocated
Till I really till I really couldn't take it
Kept on filling up my cup until it poured out
Ran around around around until it fell down
There's something interesting about it in the bottom
It's kinda crazy it reminds you where you come from
And how reality is we don't really need what we think we want

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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “FREE”

  • Produced: JOEY ByHimself
  • Written: Gabrielle Ross
  • Release Date:

FREE lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: FREE lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “FREE”:

  • Produced: JOEY ByHimself
  • rn
  • Written: Gabrielle Ross

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “FREE” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “FREE” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

I Suffocated suffocated suffocated
Till I really till I really couldn't take it
Kept on filling up my cup until it poured out
Ran around around around until it fell down
There's something interesting about it in the bottom
It's kinda crazy it reminds you where you come from
And how reality is we don't really need what we think we want


Now I'm free
I'm free from the drama
I'm free from the struggle
Everything I need I hold
I hold and now I'm free
Set free from the faking
Set free from the yanking
Everything I need I hold
I hold

[Verse 2]

Complicated complicated complicated
Over and over I was overcompensating
Kept on giving all I had until I had none
When there wasn't nothing left I'd go and find some
There's something humbling about it in the bottom
It's kinda crazy it reminds you where you come from
And how reality is we don't really need what we think we want


Now I'm free
I'm free from the drama
I'm free from the struggle
Everything I need I hold
I hold and now I'm free
Set free from the faking
Set free from the yanking
Everything I need I hold
I hold

Now I'm free
I'm free from the drama
I'm free from the struggle
Everything I need I hold
I hold and now I'm free