Barrage of Skankers by Wehrmacht Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Barrage of Skankers” by Wehrmacht from the album Shark Attack (1987)? More than 104 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Barrage of Skankers”.
Quote from the song “Barrage of Skankers” by Wehrmacht
Wanna-be's here, and cheeseheads there
Dicks give me shit abou my hair!
Fuck'em all, they can blab if they want
It's their fucking lives, we will haunt
Posers, wankers, mersheads, the Crues. the Ratt's, the W.A.S.P.'s
They all got sucker followers that spend a high cost
I'm not here for cash, I just wanna thrash
For stupid groups like those we laugh when they all pose
I like my music best cause it pukes of all the rest
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Barrage of Skankers”
- Produced: Wehrmacht
- Written: Wehrmacht
- Recorded At: Falcon Studios
- Release Date: 1987
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Barrage of Skankers” Released in 1987
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Barrage of Skankers” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Wanna-be's here, and cheeseheads there
Dicks give me shit abou my hair!
Fuck'em all, they can blab if they want
It's their fucking lives, we will haunt
Posers, wankers, mersheads, the Crues. the Ratt's, the W.A.S.P.'s
They all got sucker followers that spend a high cost
I'm not here for cash, I just wanna thrash
For stupid groups like those we laugh when they all pose
I like my music best cause it pukes of all the rest
Get in out face... And your bloody guts will spill
Too many trendy's, crowdin up the streets, it's
Their followers that are very weak
Don't they realize they look too neat!
If they really want excitement, they should jump in out slam pit!...
Maybe they'll enjoy it, or may they'll regret it and run out like hell
Super high P.A. dives clearing all the crowd
All rockers left, cuz were just too loud!
Army boots stomping and elbows swinging...
Bodies bruised up and battered heads stinging!!
[Repeat Chorus, Beginning]