Adventures of Herman's Lust by Ultramagnetic MC's Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Adventures of Herman's Lust” by Ultramagnetic MC's from the album The Four Horsemen (1993)? More than 195 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Adventures of Herman's Lust”.

Adventures of Herman\'s Lust en Lyrics [Ultramagnetic MC\'s]
Adventures of Herman\'s Lust English Lyrics Album The Four Horsemen

Quote from the song “Adventures of Herman's Lust” by Ultramagnetic MC's

If I ain’t smoking a blunt or sippin’ on a 40
I’m listening to DJ Moe Love

Can you finish lyrics of the song “Adventures of Herman's Lust” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

Adventures of Herman's Lust lyrics [Ultramagnetic MC's]

Ultramagnetic MC's: Adventures of Herman's Lust Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Adventures of Herman's Lust”

Ultramagnetic MC's - “Adventures of Herman's Lust” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Ultramagnetic MC's will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Adventures of Herman's Lust?
  • Where is Adventures of Herman's Lust music video clip?
  • Who was in the Adventures of Herman's Lust official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Adventures of Herman's Lust?
  • What is the meaning of the song Adventures of Herman's Lust?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Adventures of Herman's Lust”

  • Produced: DJ Moe Love
  • Written: DJ Moe Love
  • Release Date: August 10, 1993

Adventures of Herman's Lust lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Adventures of Herman's Lust lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Adventures of Herman's Lust”:

  • Adventures of Herman’s Lust (Moe Love III) Samples: It's Yours by T La Rock, Jazzy Jay, Ego Trippin' (MC's Ultra Remix) by Ultramagnetic MC's, Who Got da Props? by Black Moon, I'm So Into You by SWV

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Adventures of Herman's Lust” Released in 1993

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Adventures of Herman's Lust” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


If I ain’t smoking a blunt or sippin’ on a 40
I’m listening to DJ Moe Love


If I’m not chillin’ with the Funky Woodsman
I’m listening to DJ Moe Love

[DJ J.C.]

Yo, what’s up, this is DJ J.C
When I’m not scratching, I’m listening to Moe Love on the 1’s and 2

[Moe Love scratching]

“DJ on the table…” “DJ on the table, Moe Love is…”
“Commentating, illustrating…” “ah yeah”
“Commentating, illustrating…” “ah yeah”
“Commentating, illustrating…” “ah yeah”
“Kick it like The Four Horsemen, you know me”
“Kick it like The Four Horsemen, you know me”
“Kick it like The Four Horsemen, you know me”
“Feel the funk, baby”
“How are you gonna get outta here?”
“Things you do for me, all I know…”
“I move swift…”
“He’s always flying with a cut”
“How…simple should be” “Here’s my answer”
“Hey, what’s the meaning of this?”
“Control yourself…could be a way Doctor B could tell you what’s happened
And what’s going to happen…meantime, you’ll do as I say, understand?”
“One of those peace-loving folk singers—let’s not contend with this”