On the Sea by Tungsten Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “On the Sea” by Tungsten from the album Bliss (2022)? More than 155 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “On the Sea”.

On the Sea en Lyrics [Tungsten]
On the Sea English Lyrics Album Bliss

Quote from the song “On the Sea” by Tungsten

I'm on the ocean traveling
In search for myself
The last thing I need is
Our humanity


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On the Sea lyrics [Tungsten]

Tungsten: On the Sea Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “On the Sea”

  • Produced: Nick Johansson
  • Written: Karl Johansson, Mike Andersson, Nick Johansson, Niklas Johansson
  • Vocals: Mike Andersson
  • Mastering Engineer: Nick Johansson
  • Mixing Engineer: Nick Johansson
  • Guitar: Nick Johansson
  • Drums: Anders Johansson (Drummer)
  • Bass Guitar: Karl Johansson
  • Phonographic Copyright ℗: Arising Empire
  • Mastered at: Harm Studios
  • Mixed At: Harm Studios
  • Engineered At: Harm Studios
  • Recorded At: Harm Studios
  • Release Date: June 17, 2022

On the Sea lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: On the Sea lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “On the Sea” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “On the Sea” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I'm on the ocean traveling
In search for myself
The last thing I need is
Our humanity

The voices of my demons
That's haunting my mind
They cannot be satisfied
Out here at sea

I'm flying through the waves
My sorrow is far away

On the sea, I am free
This is where I want to be
Without all the pain, without all the hate
It's here I want to stay

I'm on the ocean traveling
But not all alone
The water, the sunlight
Are with me in sight

Denying all the travesty
That is what we call life
I'm running, I'm fleeing
Away to the shores