Aghumai Saalai Ta by Trishna Gurung Lyrics
Looking for the Nepali lyrics to “Aghumai Saalai Ta” by Trishna Gurung (2020)? More than 101 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Aghumai Saalai Ta”.
Quote from the song “Aghumai Saalai Ta” by Trishna Gurung
कलकली बग्छ आधी खोला
कसरी बुझाउने मन मेरो होला
साचेको जोभन खेरै जाला
आघुमै सालै त भेट हाम्रो होला
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Aghumai Saalai Ta” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Official Music Video Song “Aghumai Saalai Ta”
Trishna Gurung - “Aghumai Saalai Ta” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Trishna Gurung will answer the following questions:
- What song samples Aghumai Saalai Ta?
- Where is Aghumai Saalai Ta music video clip?
- Who was in the Aghumai Saalai Ta official music video?
- Who sang the popular song Aghumai Saalai Ta?
- What is the meaning of the song Aghumai Saalai Ta?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Aghumai Saalai Ta”
- Produced: Sunny Sunam, Bizu Karmacharya
- Written: Trishna Gurung
- Release Date: July 24, 2020
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Aghumai Saalai Ta” Released in 2020
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Aghumai Saalai Ta” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[Verse 1]
कलकली बग्छ आधी खोला
कसरी बुझाउने मन मेरो होला
साचेको जोभन खेरै जाला
आघुमै सालै त भेट हाम्रो होला
आघुमै सालै त (हो हो)
आघुमै सालै त
आघुमै सालै त (हो हो)
आघुमै सालै त
[Verse 2]
डाँडैको बत्तीहरु हेरिरहेछु
जहाँ छोडेथ्यौ त्यहीँ बसे छु
भेटौला माया बाचिए सम्म
पहिलो माया लाएकै ठाउँमा
आघुमै सालै त, हो
आघुमै सालै त
आघुमै सालै त, हो
आघुमै सालै त
[Verse 3]
बन पाखैमा रुझ्दै हिँडेको
उकाली चड्दा उनले बोकेको
सम्झिए माया यो ज्यान रहेसम्म
फर्केरै आउन यो हाम्रो गाउँमा
आघुमै सालै त, हो
आघुमै सालै त
आघुमै सालै त, हो
आघुमै सालै त
[Verse 4]
कलकली बग्छ आधी खोला
कसरी बुझाउने मन मेरो होला
साचेको जोभन खेरै जाला
आघुमै सालै त भेट हाम्रो होला
आघुमै सालै त
आघुमै सालै त
FAQ & Knowledge Song “Aghumai Saalai Ta”
ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?
This song is dedicated to everyone who is far away from home and for everyone who is waiting for their loved ones to come back home… This song is a ‘Ray Of Hope’ that one day the Loved ones will be back Home, for every Dark Night there’s a Brighter Day..
—Via YouTube