All the Boys on the Dole by TPM (IE) Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “All the Boys on the Dole” by TPM (IE) (2015)? More than 121 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “All the Boys on the Dole”.

All the Boys on the Dole en Lyrics [TPM (IE)]
All the Boys on the Dole English Lyrics

Quote from the song “All the Boys on the Dole” by TPM (IE)

This is Mary O Reilly from the Department of Social Welfare
Have you found a job yet ya cunt ya?

Can you finish lyrics of the song “All the Boys on the Dole” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

All the Boys on the Dole lyrics [TPM (IE)]

TPM (IE): All the Boys on the Dole Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “All the Boys on the Dole”

TPM (IE) - “All the Boys on the Dole” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of TPM (IE) will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples All the Boys on the Dole?
  • Where is All the Boys on the Dole music video clip?
  • Who was in the All the Boys on the Dole official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song All the Boys on the Dole?
  • What is the meaning of the song All the Boys on the Dole?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “All the Boys on the Dole”

  • Produced: David Noonan
  • Written: Charles Hendy, Andrew Hendy
  • Release Date: October 16, 2015

All the Boys on the Dole lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: All the Boys on the Dole lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “All the Boys on the Dole” Released in 2015

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “All the Boys on the Dole” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


This is Mary O Reilly from the Department of Social Welfare
Have you found a job yet ya cunt ya?

[Verse 1]

Everyday I'm on the same page
Waiting for dole day
Thinkin' bout tick that I have to pay
The woman in the window, harassin me!
"Why can't you get a job and be like me?!"
I'm wishin' that the window would break
Cause I wanna smash in, her fuckin face
Always a struggle, in this hole
The boys on the FÁS course
Boys on the dole!


All the boys on the FÁS course
All the boys on the dole (x4)

[Verse 2]

Oh I'm at a loss, dealin with FÁS
Put me on a cross, cause I don't have a boss
Everyday's the same, people lookin' at me:
"He never did nuthin since he left O'Fiaich!!"
I'm not gonna listen to your shite
Keep it up you're lookin for a fight
I don't have a job, but I have a soul!
Its for the boys on the FÁS course
The boys on the dole!


All the boys on the FÁS course
All the boys on the dole (x4)

[Verse 3]

"And what do you think about Jobsbridge?!"
What do you think, about sucking me dick?
Always callin' my phone in your snotty tone
Givin me lip atop your glass throne
Jobsbridge mouth
Your keystones gonna fall
Then who the fuck are you gonna call?
I'm not bendin' for you
Rather blaze at home
With the boys on the FÁS course
The boys on the dole!


All the boys on the FÁS course
All the boys on the dole (x4)

I'm not lookin for fame
I already sign my name
Each week at a little window pane
I don't have a job and thats not right
But you should take a look at the FÁS website
Come and join our little scene
Bring a hefty bag of green
And raise a flag, up a pole
For the boys on the FÁS course
The boys on the dole!


All the boys on the FÁS course
All the boys on the dole (x8)