La Poudra by DAK [Annaba] Lyrics

Looking for the Lithuanian lyrics to “La Poudra” by DAK [Annaba] from the album Pizzini (2021)? More than 119 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “La Poudra”.

La Poudra lt Lyrics [DAK [Annaba]]
La Poudra Lithuanian Lyrics Album Pizzini

Quote from the song “La Poudra” by DAK [Annaba]

Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh

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La Poudra lyrics [DAK [Annaba]]

DAK [Annaba]: La Poudra Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “La Poudra”

DAK [Annaba] - “La Poudra” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of DAK [Annaba] will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples La Poudra?
  • Where is La Poudra music video clip?
  • Who was in the La Poudra official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song La Poudra?
  • What is the meaning of the song La Poudra?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “La Poudra”

  • Featuring: Remzy ad
  • Produced: Kers Beats
  • Written: Remzy ad, DAK [Annaba]
  • Artwork: Feth Allah
  • Mixed And Mastered: Ghorba_prod
  • Release Date: December 21, 2021

La Poudra lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: La Poudra lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “La Poudra” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “La Poudra” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Chorus: Ramzy]

Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh

Halef nahjer ma nwli (ma nwli), ndir cha gali rassi (cha gali rassi)
F lboti wlh machi, w marcharyari ycassé


, floka wajda f sabla (wajda f sabla)
Da3wet lmima satra, maykhla3nach danger (danger)

[Verse 1: DAK]

9adar ntkhaba manchoufech 3aynik ema, wchbiha houbi lbninah awe tah f lma ?
L cœur plein kima mes couilles lazem nvidé, lwahche wla lebla wch kayn hna lazem niviti
Lgelb tab tegra ysna f lbhar yweli tabla, la3mour tab lwlad b lpoudra yawmi sabra
Ghoudwa khir w nik sa mère lbareh wli jra, hab nsovi wch mdakhel zbi f ijram ?
Nahki f li t3ach quartier f lin3ach, balda ya men 3ach
Kharjet 3a chiraz wana b Chivas, 3a jal yema mena9s la vitesse
Koul ma ngedm pas, ntiri zoz nfass
N3awed f lhassab, nkhabi f lahzan
Tlabna ghir lahlal, hareb m lahbass
Man3tni la musiqa, lhamda mosi9ar
Ngmhlk l vecu fog la prod, nkharjlek des techniques, nharek des équipes
Nahkiw b liquide, lazem 3 kipra m3ahem yacht

[Pre-Chorus: DAK]

Croiseurs ndoro lmondo, lazem la plata hab nsovi ki Lil Baby
3chna faha dzair clando, vecu khamej repenti ki l Belaïli
Croiseurs ndoro lmondo, lazem la plata hab nsovi ki Lil Baby
3chna faha dzair clando, vecu khamej repenti ki l Belaïli

[Chorus: Ramzy]

Halef nahjer ma nwli (ma nwli), ndir cha gali rassi (cha gali rassi)
F lboti wlh machi, w marcharyari ycassé


, floka wajda f sabla (wajda f sabla)
Da3wet lmima satra, maykhla3nach danger (danger)

[Verse 2: DAK]

Mathkilich 3a lbareh, wch ndiro lyoum ?
Ghdwa makatib, blak nbaher machi wed bou9rat
M3aya houbi f les Caraïbes, m3aya denya dor ndezo faha nkharjo l caramel
Ndamnha b la aladan, jrawa tenbah w n9alem f la caravane
Tferket 3liya mchni hna, ani fi Cuba m3a 2Pac f la Havana
Lahti la poudra, w baki khchin f la banane (hehe)
Mchni damn, balk dalm nfsi 9adr ghoudwa nmoutt
N3alm fik tahlem atharak nmotivik, mechni njour 3lik
Lem l'baki nhar li tsovi, ghir ad3ili m3ak
Bladek ya men 3ach, nikha f lahchich
Ghorba w intag, koulha tejri 3la la plata ki Belhadj
Harba ngez 3l Espagne, baki euro b lastique
Ghoudwa khir w Za3fa Ou Fayta, Kul wahd w 9asmou, hadi bayna Dahket dima kayna, madm l poudra f l flouka dima wajda

[Pre-Chorus: DAK]

Croiseurs ndoro lmondo, lazem la plata hab nsovi ki Lil Baby
3chna faha dzair clando, vecu khamej repenti ki l Belaïli
Croiseurs ndoro lmondo, lazem la plata hab nsovi ki Lil Baby
3chna faha dzair clando, vecu khamej repenti ki l Belaïli

[Chorus: Ramzy]

Halef nahjer ma nwli (ma nwli), ndir cha gali rassi (cha gali rassi)
F lboti wlh machi, w marcharyari ycassé


, floka wajda f sabla (wajda f sabla)
Da3wet lmima satra, maykhla3nach danger (danger)

[Outro: Ramzy]

Halef nahjer ma nwli, ndir cha gali rassi
F lboti wlh machi, w marcharyari ycassé

Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh

Ndir cha gali rassi
F lboti wlh machi, w marcharyari ycassé