Tongue Slap Your Brains Out by TORRES Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Tongue Slap Your Brains Out” by TORRES from the album Three Futures (2017)? More than 55 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Tongue Slap Your Brains Out”.
Quote from the song “Tongue Slap Your Brains Out” by TORRES
Knowing you were laundry-
Folding just outside the
Bedroom door, I slept near it
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Tongue Slap Your Brains Out”
- Produced: Mackenzie Scott, Rob Ellis
- Written: Mackenzie Scott
- Label: 4AD
- Engineer: Luke Burras, Henry Broadhead, Chris Hamilton
- Mastered: Heba Kadry
- Mix: David Tolomei
- Release Date: September 29, 2017
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Tongue Slap Your Brains Out” Released in 2017
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Tongue Slap Your Brains Out” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Knowing you were laundry-
Folding just outside the
Bedroom door, I slept near it
Knowing you would carry
Half the hapless buzzing
Of my dilated spirit
I know you never dreamed
I'd become a damn Yankee
I need you to believe
That I'm still your same baby
[Verse 2]
No feeling like finding
A peach cobbler sunning
Belly-up on the granite
The kind that'll make your
Tongue slap all your brains out
I know you never dreamed
I'd become a damn Yankee
I need you to believe
That I'm still your same baby
I know you never dreamed
I'd become a damn Yankee
If you could only see
It's still the Georgia winds that move me