Come around by 山下智久 (Tomohisa Yamashita) Lyrics

Looking for the Japanese lyrics to “Come around” by 山下智久 (Tomohisa Yamashita) from the album CHANGE - Single (2019)? More than 99 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Come around”.

Come around ja Lyrics [山下智久 (Tomohisa Yamashita)]
Come around Japanese Lyrics Album CHANGE - Single

Quote from the song “Come around” by 山下智久 (Tomohisa Yamashita)

いつもそう いつもそう
あいつの話 する時の君

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Come around lyrics [山下智久 (Tomohisa Yamashita)]

山下智久 (Tomohisa Yamashita): Come around Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Come around”

  • Written: 山下智久 (Tomohisa Yamashita)
  • Release Date: June 19, 2019

Come around lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Come around lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Come around” Released in 2019

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Come around” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[山下智久「Come around」歌詞]

いつもそう いつもそう
あいつの話 する時の君

Come around come around come around
今夜 僕が僕がそばにいるよ
I don't mind I don't mind I don't mind what he say
帰したくなくて 今抱きしめた

3年前 夏の夜
おめでとう 良かったな
初めての嘘 笑顔で君に、、、

Come around come around come around
今夜 僕が僕がそばにいるよ
I don't mind I don't mind I don't mind what he say
帰したくなくて 今抱きしめた

Come around come around come around
今夜 僕が僕がそばにいるよ
I don't mind I don't mind I don't mind what he say
Cuz baby girl baby girl it's you it's you
今も覚えてる あの日の交差点 信号を待ってる君がいて
反対車線 僕がいるのに気づいて振ってくれた手

Come around come around come around
今夜 僕が僕がそばにいるよ
I don't mind I don't mind I don't mind what he say
帰したくなくて 今抱きしめた

Come around come around come around
今夜 僕が僕がそばにいるよ
I don't mind I don't mind I don't mind what he say
Cuz baby girl baby girl it's you it's you