Feelings by Tizi Prince Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Feelings” by Tizi Prince (2021)? More than 20 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Feelings”.

Feelings en Lyrics [Tizi Prince]
Feelings English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Feelings” by Tizi Prince

Ye ye ye ye mmm
Ye ye ye ye
Tizi back again
Mmm mmm


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Feelings lyrics [Tizi Prince]

Tizi Prince: Feelings Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Feelings”

Tizi Prince - “Feelings” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Tizi Prince will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Feelings?
  • Where is Feelings music video clip?
  • Who was in the Feelings official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Feelings?
  • What is the meaning of the song Feelings?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Feelings”

  • Produced: TIGERMAN
  • Written: Prince kajang
  • Release Date: September 14, 2021

Feelings lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Feelings lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Feelings” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Feelings” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Ye ye ye ye mmm
Ye ye ye ye
Tizi back again
Mmm mmm


Now you don hurt my feelings
Must you talk when am talking
Must you yell when am yelling
Must you scream when am screaming
Now you don hurt my feelings
Must you talk when am talking
Must you yell when am yelling
Must you scream when am screaming (E ye)
She say mmm mmm mmm okay
Mmm mmm today
She say mmm mmm mmm nay nay
I'm packing my things (Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm)
She say mmm mmm mmm okay
Mmm mmm today
She say mmm mmm mmm nay nay
I’m packing my things (Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm)


I know you want me
You say you need me
That you love me
But you hurting me
All ever wanted
Was to be love
But you no do am
And is hurting me
This type of love
Is not my thing
Why you nagging
E no make sensе
I've been trying
I think I need to leave
I don tirе you go look for me (E ye)
Shey you sef you confam am from there
Like this now I don heal for here
Thunder way go fire you for there
E fit strike from Atlantic ocean
Mmm me I no fit understand
I gave you my necklace pendant
Gave you my last card you spend am (Ye)


Now you don hurt my feelings
Must you talk when am talking
Must you yell when am yelling
Must you scream when am screaming
Now you don hurt my feelings
Must you talk when am talking
Must you yell when am yelling
Must you scream when am screaming (E ye)
She say mmm mmm mmm okay
Mmm mmm today
She say mmm mmm mmm nay nay
I'm packing my things (Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm)
She say mmm mmm mmm okay
Mmm mmm today
She say mmm mmm mmm nay nay
I’m packing my things (Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm)


Your first impression
Was deception
Mehn na that day
I for don know
Maybe maybe
I been don high
Or maybe maybe
I been too shuh
Your first impression
Was deception
Mehn na that day
I for don know
Maybe maybe
I been don high
Or maybe maybe
I been too shuh


Omo omo you be ashawo
Ode ode for my backyard oh
Ruining ruining ruining my life oh
Is better is better I find my way oh
Omo omo you be ashawo
Ode ode for my backyard oh
Ruining ruining ruining my life oh
Is better is better